


  set -x
  set -e
  AWK_SOURCE=$( cat <<- AWK
      if ( $1 !~ /delete/ # ensure we are not trying to process deleted files
      && $4 !~ /theme.puml|config.puml/ # do not try to process our theme or custom config
      && $4 ~ /.puml/ ) # only process puml files
      { printf "%s ", $4 } # only print the file name and strip newlines for spaces
    END { print "" } # ensure we do print a newline at the end
  GIT_OUTPUT=`git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --summary ${GITHUB_SHA}`
  AWK_OUPUT=`echo $GIT_OUTPUT | awk -F' ' $AWK_SOURCE`
  echo "::set-output name=files::$GIT_OUTPUT"
  set +e
  set +x



git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --summary HEAD | awk -F' ' '{ if ( $1 !~ /delete/ && $4 !~ /theme.puml|config.puml/ && $4 ~ /.puml/ ) { printf "%s ", $4 } } END { print "" }'


shell: /usr/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
+ set -e
++ cat
+ AWK_SOURCE=''\''
    if (  !~ /delete/ # ensure we are not trying to process deleted files
    &&  !~ /theme.puml|config.puml/ # do not try to process our theme or custom config
    &&  ~ /.puml/ ) # only process puml files
    { printf "%s ",  } # only print the file name and strip newlines for spaces
  END { print "" } # ensure we do print a newline at the end
++ git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --summary 6c72c8a8dabf19ae2439ee506b9a4a636027193e
+ GIT_OUTPUT=' create mode 100644 .config/plantuml/config.puml
 create mode 100644 .config/plantuml/theme.puml
 delete mode 100644 config.puml
 create mode 100644 docs/
 create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/
 create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/
 create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/user.puml
 delete mode 100644 theme.puml
 delete mode 100644 user.puml
 delete mode 100644 user.svg'
++ echo create mode 100644 .config/plantuml/config.puml create mode 100644 .config/plantuml/theme.puml delete mode 100644 config.puml create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/ create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/ create mode 100644 docs/domain-model/user.puml delete mode 100644 theme.puml delete mode 100644 user.puml delete mode 100644 user.svg
++ awk '-F ' \' '{' if '(' '!~' /delete/ '#' ensure we are not trying to process deleted files '&&' '!~' '/theme.puml|config.puml/' '#' do not try to process our theme or custom config '&&' '~' /.puml/ ')' '#' only process puml files '{' printf '"%s' '",' '}' '#' only print the file name and strip newlines for spaces '}' END '{' print '""' '}' '#' ensure we do print a newline at the end \'
awk: cmd. line:1: '
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ invalid char ''' in expression




set -x
set -e
do_awk() {
    awk '
        ($1 !~ /delete/) &&                 # ensure we are not trying to process deleted files
        ($4 !~ /theme.puml|config.puml/) && # do not try to process our theme or custom config
        ($4 ~ /.puml/) {                    # only process puml files
            printf "%s ", $4                # only print the file name and strip newlines for spaces
        END { print "" }                    # ensure we do print a newline at the end
    ' "${@:--}"
GIT_OUTPUT=$(git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --summary "$GITHUB_SHA")
AWK_OUPUT=$(printf '%s\n' "$GIT_OUTPUT" | do_awk)
echo "::set-output name=files::$GIT_OUTPUT"
set +e
set +x
