PHP json_decode() returns NULL with seemingly valid JSON? Ask Question

PHP json_decode() returns NULL with seemingly valid JSON? Ask Question

I have this JSON object stored on a plain text file:

    "MySQL": {
        "Server": "(server)",
        "Username": "(user)",
        "Password": "(pwd)",
        "DatabaseName": "(dbname)"
    "Ftp": {
        "Server": "(server)",
        "Username": "(user)",
        "Password": "(pwd)",
        "RootFolder": "(rf)"
    "BasePath": "../../bin/",
    "NotesAppPath": "notas",
    "SearchAppPath": "buscar",
    "BaseUrl": "http:\/\/",
    "InitialExtensions": [
    "MediaPath": "media",
    "MediaGalleriesTable": "journal_media_galleries",
    "MediaTable": "journal_media",
    "Journal": {
        "AllowedAdFileFormats": [
        "AdColumnId": "3",
        "RSSLinkFormat": "%DOMAIN%\/notas\/%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%\/%TITLE%/",
        "FrontendLayout": "Flat",
        "AdPath": "ad",
        "SiteTitle": "Monte Maíz: Tu Sitio",
        "GlobalSiteDescription": "Periódico local de Monte Maíz.",
        "MoreInfoAt": "Más información aquí, en el Periódico local de Monte Maíz.",
        "TemplatePath": "templates",
        "WeatherSource": "accuweather:SAM|AR|AR005|MONTE MAIZ",
        "WeatherMeasureType": "1",
        "CurrencySource": "cotizacion-monedas:Dolar|Euro|Real",
        "TimesSingular": "vez",
        "TimesPlural": "veces"

When I try to decode it with json_decode(), it returns NULL. Why? The file is readable (I tried echoing file_get_contents() and it worked ok).

I've tested JSON against and it's perfectly valid.

What's wrong here?


This worked for me

json_decode( preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $json_string), true );
