Flutter SVG rendering Ask Question

Flutter SVG rendering Ask Question

I tried adding an image with a SVG source to my flutter application.

new AssetImage("assets/images/candle.svg"))

But I didn't get any visual feedback. How can I render an SVG picture in Flutter?


Fonts are a great option for a lot of cases.

I've been working on a library to render SVGs on a canvas, available here: https://github.com/dnfield/flutter_svg

The API as of right now would look something like

new SvgPicture.asset('asset_name.svg')

to render asset_name.svg (sized to its parent, e.g. a SizedBox). You can also specify a color and blendMode for tinting the asset..

It's now available on pub and works with a minimum of Flutter version 0.3.6. It handles a bunch of cases but not everything - see the GitHub repo for updates and to file issues.

The original GitHub issue referenced by Colin Jackson is really not meant to be primarily focused on SVG in Flutter. I opened another issue here for that: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/15501
