How do I stop Chrome from yellowing my site's input boxes? Ask Question

How do I stop Chrome from yellowing my site's input boxes? Ask Question

Among other text and visual aids on a form submission, post-validation, I'm coloring my input boxes red to signify the interactive area needing attention.

On Chrome (and for Google Toolbar users) the auto-fill feature re-colors my input forms yellow. Here's the complex issue: I want auto-complete allowed on my forms, as it speeds users logging in. I am going to check into the ability to turn the autocomplete attribute to off if/when there's an error triggered, but it is a complex bit of coding to programmatically turn off the auto-complete for the single affected input on a page. This, to put it simply, would be a major headache.

So to try to avoid that issue, is there any simpler method of stopping Chrome from re-coloring the input boxes?

[edit] I tried the !important suggestion below and it had no effect. I have not yet checked Google Toolbar to see if the !important attribute would work for that.

As far as I can tell, there isn't any means other than using the autocomplete attribute (which does appear to work).


Set the CSS outline property to none.

input[type="text"], input[type="password"], textarea, select { 
    outline: none;

In cases where the browser may add a background color as well this can be fixed by something like

:focus { background-color: #fff; }
