



私はmacOS 10.12.1を使用しています。




set -x
echo "Running ~/.bash_profile"

red=$(tput setaf 1)
none=$(tput sgr0)
PS1='\[$red\]***\t \! \w>\[$none\]'   # Using \W will provide just basename
#echo PS1=$PS1 
PS4=' $LINENO: '  # Set bash script prompt to line number of script
export PS4
alias cc="/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2"
temp="/Developer/Tools:/Developer/Applications:"${PATH}:/Application s/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS:~/bin::
#echo PATH=$PATH
#echo include_path=$include_path

export -f mygetopts isoption
compgen -A function  # List all functions


Last login: Wed Nov 30 18:07:37 on ttys003
+ echo 'Running ~/.bash_profile'
Running ~/.bash_profile
++ tput setaf 1
cd ~/work
+ red=''
++ tput sgr0
+ none=''
+ PS1='\[$red\]***\t \! \w    \[$none\]'
+ PS4=' $LINENO: '
 10: export PS4
 11: alias cc=/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2
 12: DEV_INC=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include
 14: temp=/Developer/Tools:/Developer/Applications:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS:/Users/XXXXX/bin::
 15: PATH=/Developer/Tools:/Developer/Applications:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS:/Users/XXXXX/bin::
 19: echo 'BASH_VERSION=3.2.57(1)-release'
 22: export -f mygetopts isoption
 23: compgen -A function
  0: shell_session_history_check
  1: '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
  3: shell_session_history_allowed
  2: '[' -n /Users/XXXXX/.bash_history ']'
  5: local allowed=0
  6: shopt -q histappend
  6: '[' -n '' ']'
  9: allowed=1
  11: '[' 1 -eq 1 ']'
  12: return 0
  47: shell_session_history_enable
  1: umask 077
  1: touch /Users/XXXXX/.bash_sessions/AC4138F0-CE17-4189-80E4-29F987640EBB.historynew
  2: HISTFILE=/Users/XXXXX/.bash_sessions/AC4138F0-CE17-4189-80E4-29F987640EBB.historynew
  28: '[' 'shell_session_history_check; update_terminal_cwd' = shell_session_history_check ']'
  30: [[ shell_session_history_check; update_terminal_cwd =~ (.*)(; *shell_session_history_check *| *  shell_session_history_check *; *)(.*) ]]
  31: PROMPT_COMMAND=update_terminal_cwd
  0: update_terminal_cwd
  5: local url_path=
  9: local i ch hexch LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=
  10: (( i = 0 ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=/
  12: [[ / =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=/
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=U
  12: [[ U =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=U
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=e
  12: [[ e =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=e
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=r
  12: [[ r =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=r
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=/
  12: [[ / =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=/
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=j
  12: [[ j =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=j
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=i
  12: [[ i =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=i
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=m
  12: [[ m =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=m
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=l
  12: [[ l =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=l
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=a
  12: [[ a =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=a
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=g
  12: [[ g =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=g
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=e
  12: [[ e =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=e
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  11: ch=r
  12: [[ r =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=r
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 16 ))
  23: printf '\e]7;%s\a' file://groksiMac-804.local/Users/XXXXX
***18:34:36 500 ~    cd ~/work
 1: cd /Users/XXXXX/work
  1: update_terminal_cwd
  5: local url_path=
  9: local i ch hexch LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=
  10: (( i = 0 ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=/
  12: [[ / =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=/
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=U
  12: [[ U =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=U
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=e
  12: [[ e =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=e
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=r
  12: [[ r =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=r
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=/
  12: [[ / =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=/
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=j
  12: [[ j =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=j
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=i
  12: [[ i =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=i
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=m
  12: [[ m =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=m
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=s
  12: [[ s =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=s
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=l
  12: [[ l =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=l
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=a
  12: [[ a =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=a
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=g
  12: [[ g =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=g
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=e
  12: [[ e =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=e
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=r
  12: [[ r =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=r
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=/
  12: [[ / =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=/
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=w
  12: [[ w =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=w
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=o
  12: [[ o =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=o
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=r
  12: [[ r =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=r
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  11: ch=k
  12: [[ k =~ [/._~A-Za-z0-9-] ]]
  13: url_path+=k
  19: (( ++i ))
  19: (( i < 21 ))
  23: printf '\e]7;%s\a' file://groksiMac-804.local/Users/XXXXX/work
***18:34:36 501 ~/work


set -xあなたの上部から削除します~/.bash_profileset -xbash が実行する前に実行するすべてのコマンドを出力するようにします。 Bashのマニュアルページから:

          -x      After expanding each simple command, for command, case command, select
                  command, or arithmetic for command, display the expanded value of PS4,
                  followed  by the command and its expanded arguments or associated word
