



TMUX(1) BSD 汎用コマンドマニュアル TMUX(1)


status-keys [vi | emacs]
        Use vi or emacs-style key bindings in the status line, for
        example at the command prompt.  The default is emacs, unless
        the VISUAL or EDITOR environment vari‐ ables are set and
        contain the string ‘vi’.


The following keys have a special meaning in the command prompt,
depending on the value of the status-keys option:
    Function                             vi        emacs
    Cancel command prompt                Escape    Escape
    Delete current word                            C-w
    Delete entire command                d         C-u
    Delete from cursor to end            D         C-k
    Execute command                      Enter     Enter
    Get next command from history                  Down
    Get previous command from history              Up
    Insert top paste buffer              p         C-y
    Look for completions                 Tab       Tab
    Move cursor left                     h         Left
    Move cursor right                    l         Right
    Move cursor to end                   $         C-e
    Move cursor to next word             w         M-f
    Move cursor to previous word         b         M-b
    Move cursor to start                 0         C-a
    Transpose characters                           C-t

