





$ grep -Fxc 'element' set   # outputs 1 if element is in set
                            # outputs >1 if set is a multi-set
                            # outputs 0 if element is not in set

$ grep -Fxq 'element' set   # returns 0 (true)  if element is in set
                            # returns 1 (false) if element is not in set

$ awk '$0 == "element" { s=1; exit }; END { exit !s }' set
# returns 0 if element is in set, 1 otherwise.

$ awk -v e='element' '$0 == e { s=1; exit } END { exit !s }'


$ comm -12 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)  # outputs intersect of set1 and set2

$ grep -xF -f set1 set2

$ sort set1 set2 | uniq -d

$ join -t <(sort A) <(sort B)

$ awk '!done { a[$0]; next }; $0 in a' set1 done=1 set2


$ cmp -s <(sort set1) <(sort set2) # returns 0 if set1 is equal to set2
                                   # returns 1 if set1 != set2

$ cmp -s <(sort -u set1) <(sort -u set2)
# collapses multi-sets into sets and does the same as previous

$ awk '{ if (!($0 in a)) c++; a[$0] }; END{ exit !(c==NR/2) }' set1 set2
# returns 0 if set1 == set2
# returns 1 if set1 != set2

$ awk '{ a[$0] }; END{ exit !(length(a)==NR/2) }' set1 set2
# same as previous, requires >= gnu awk 3.1.5


$ wc -l < set     # outputs number of elements in set

$ awk 'END { print NR }' set

$ sed '$=' set


$ comm -23 <(sort -u subset) <(sort -u set) | grep -q '^'
# returns true iff subset is not a subset of set (has elements not in set)

$ awk '!done { a[$0]; next }; { if !($0 in a) exit 1 }' set done=1 subset
# returns 0 if subset is a subset of set
# returns 1 if subset is not a subset of set


$ cat set1 set2     # outputs union of set1 and set2
                    # assumes they are disjoint

$ awk 1 set1 set2   # ditto

$ cat set1 set2 ... setn   # union over n sets

$ sort -u set1 set2  # same, but doesn't assume they are disjoint

$ sort set1 set2 | uniq

$ awk '!a[$0]++' set1 set2       # ditto without sorting


$ comm -23 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)
# outputs elements in set1 that are not in set2

$ grep -vxF -f set2 set1           # ditto

$ sort set2 set2 set1 | uniq -u    # ditto

$ awk '!done { a[$0]; next }; !($0 in a)' set2 done=1 set1


$ comm -3 <(sort set1) <(sort set2) | tr -d '\t'  # assumes not tab in sets
# outputs elements that are in set1 or in set2 but not both

$ sort set1 set2 | uniq -u

$ cat <(grep -vxF -f set1 set2) <(grep -vxF -f set2 set1)

$ grep -vxF -f set1 set2; grep -vxF -f set2 set1

$ awk '!done { a[$0]; next }; $0 in a { delete a[$0]; next }; 1;
       END { for (b in a) print b }' set1 done=1 set2



$ p() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && echo || (shift; p "$@") |
        while read r; do printf '%s %s\n%s\n' "$1" "$r" "$r"; done; }
$ p $(cat set)



$ while IFS= read -r a; do while IFS= read -r b; do echo "$a, $b"; done < set1; done < set2

$ awk '!done { a[$0]; next }; { for (i in a) print i, $0 }' set1 done=1 set2


$ comm -12 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)  # does not output anything if disjoint

$ awk '++seen[$0] == 2 { exit 1 }' set1 set2 # returns 0 if disjoint
                                             # returns 1 if not


$ wc -l < set            # outputs 0  if the set is empty
                         # outputs >0 if the set is not empty

$ grep -q '^' set        # returns true (0 exit status) unless set is empty

$ awk '{ exit 1 }' set   # returns true (0 exit status) if set is empty


$ sort set | head -n 1   # outputs the minimum (lexically) element in the set

$ awk 'NR == 1 { min = $0 }; $0 < min { min = $0 }; END { print min }'
# ditto, but does numeric comparison when elements are numerical


$ sort test | tail -n 1    # outputs the maximum element in the set

$ sort -r test | head -n 1

$ awk 'NR == 1 || $0 > max { max = $0 }; END { print max }'
# ditto, but does numeric comparison when elements are numerical

