



Chr  Start  End   Alt   Value
Exo  0      10    .     1.50    .   20:-2     30:0.9    50:50   50
Exo  1      20    .     1.50    .   20:-1     30:-1     50:50   50
Exo  2      30    .     1.50    .   20:0.02   30:0.9    50:50   50
Exo  3      40    .     1.50    .   20:-1     30:-2     50:50   50
Nem  3      40    .     1.50    .   20:-1     30:-2     50:50   50




3) フィルタ列「Mod2」の0.01より大きい値はすべて削除されます。


Chr  Start  End   Alt  Value  mod1  mod2  mod3  mod4  comment 
Exo  0      10    -1   1.50   20    -2    30    0.9           -1  50:50  50
Exo  1      20    -1   1.50   20    -1    30    -1            -1  50:50  50
Exo  3      40    -1   1.50   20    -1    30    -2            -1  50:50  50



cd /home/uxm/Desktop/Shell/

# Replace the only dots (.) by -1

awk -F'\t' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){sub(/^\.$/,"-1",$i)}} 1' OFS="\t" Test.txt | tail >> Test1.txt

# splitted 7th no column by delimitted ":" 

awk '{ split($7, a, ":"); print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"a[1]"\t"a[2]"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$10"\t"$11 >> "testfile1.tmp"; }' Test1.txt;
mv testfile1.tmp Test2.txt;

# splitted 8th no column by delimitted ":" 

awk '{ split($9, a, ":"); print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"a[1]"\t"a[2]"\t"$10"\t"$11 >> "testfile2.tmp"; }' Test2.txt;
mv testfile2.tmp Test3.txt;

# Give name to splitted columns

awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t" 'NR==1{$11="nCol\tMod1\tMod2\tMod3\tMod4"}1' Test3.txt >> Test4.txt

# Filter data by "Exo" word 

awk -F'\t' 'NR==1;{ if($1 == "Exo") { print }}' Test4.txt | tail >> Test5.txt


awk以下は、リストされた手順を実行するスクリプトです。 1つのスクリプトですべての操作を実行するawkと、複数回実行して中間結果をファイルや変数に保存する必要がないという利点があります。

BEGIN { OFS = FS = "\t" }
NR == 1 {
    # Add new column headers

    # First four "mod" headers
    for (i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
        $(NF + 1) = "mod" i

    # Then a "comment" header
    $(NF + 1) = "comment"

    # Output and continue with next input line

# Ignore lines that don't have "Exo" in the first column
$1 != "Exo" { next }

    # Working our way "backwards" from column 13 down to 1

    # Shift the last two columns right by three steps
    $13 = $10
    $12 = $9

    # Set column 11 to column 6, or to -1 if it's a dot
    if ($6 == ".")
        $11 = -1
        $11 = $6 

    # Empty the comment column
    $10 = ""

    # Move column 8 into column 9
    $9 = $8

    # Split column 9 into columns 8 and 9
    split($9, a, ":")
    $9 = a[2]
    $8 = a[1]

    # Split column 7 into columns 6 and 7
    split($7, a, ":")
    $7 = a[2]
    $6 = a[1]

    # Column 5 remains unmodified

    # Put -1 in column 4 if it's a dot
    if ($4 == ".") $4 = -1

    # Columns 1, 2, 3 remains unmodified   

# Output if we want this line
$7 <= 0.01 { print }


$ awk -f script.awk Test.txt
Chr     Start   End     Alt     Value   mod1    mod2    mod3    mod4    comment
Exo     0       10      -1      1.50    20      -2      30      0.9             -1      50:50   50
Exo     1       20      -1      1.50    20      -1      30      -1              -1      50:50   50
Exo     3       40      -1      1.50    20      -1      30      -2              -1      50:50   50

