SmartOS(SunOS)で「xargs -n」が他の実装とは異なる動作をするのはなぜですか?

SmartOS(SunOS)で「xargs -n」が他の実装とは異なる動作をするのはなぜですか?




# printf 'one\0two\0three' | xargs -0 -I{} -n 1 echo "- {}"
- {} one
- {} two
- {} three

GNU Findutils /opt/local/bin/xargs (予想される動作):

# printf 'one\0two\0three' | /opt/local/bin/xargs -0 -I{} -n 1 echo "- {}"
- one
- two
- three

MacOS、NetBSD、およびCentOSのXargsは、すべて前の例と同じように動作します。 SmartOS xargsはどう違いますか?

SmartOS xargsのマンページから:

   -n number
                  Invokes utility using as many standard input arguments
                  as possible, up to number (a positive decimal integer)
                  arguments maximum. Fewer arguments are used if:

                      o      The command line length accumulated exceeds
                             the size specified by the -s option (or
                             {LINE_MAX} if there is no -s option), or

                      o      The last iteration has fewer than number, but
                             not zero, operands remaining.

Gnu Findutils xargsのマンページから:

   -n max-args, --max-args=max-args
          Use at most max-args arguments per command line.  Fewer than max-args arguments will be used if the size (see the -s option) is  exceeded,  un‐
          less the -x option is given, in which case xargs will exit.





