ambari.repoで有効= 1と優先順位= 1はどういう意味ですか?

ambari.repoで有効= 1と優先順位= 1はどういう意味ですか?

これにより、cat ambari.repo最後の2行に enable=1合計が表示されることがわかりますpriority=1。これの後ろに隠された意味は何ですか?


~からman yum.conf

          enabled  Either  `1'  or  `0'. This tells yum whether or not use
          this repository.


          During depsolving, when choosing the
          best provider among several, yum will respect  the  priority  of
          each  provider's  repository  (note that there are other factors
          which yum considers, which may overweigh the  repository  prior-
          ity).  The  value  is  an integer from 1 to 99, 1 being the most
          preferred repository, and 99 being the least preferred  one.  By
          default all repositories have the priority of 80.
