

テキストファイルをCSVに解析してみてください。問題は、現在理想的には列ヘッダーとして使用したいが、csv結果から削除できるいくつかの区切り文字があることです。理想的にはbashを使用することをお勧めしますが、動作するものは何でもMac OSシステムで実行してください。

Sample text (DISA STIG)

Group ID (Vulid): V-81749
Group Title: SRG-OS-000067-GPOS-00035
Rule ID: SV-96463r1_rule
Severity: CAT II
Rule Version (STIG-ID): AOSX-13-067035
Rule Title: The macOS system must enable certificate for smartcards.

 Vulnerability Discussion: To prevent untrusted certificates the certificates on a smartcard card must be valid in these ways: its issuer is system-trusted, the certificate is not expired, its "valid-after" date is in the past, and it passes CRL and OCSP checking.
Check Content:
To view the setting for the smartcard certification configuration, run the following command:
sudo /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep checkCertificateTrust
If the output is null or not "checkCertificateTrust = 1;" this is a finding.
Fix Text: This setting is enforced using the "Smartcard" configuration profile.
CCI: CCI-000186 ___________________________________________________



Group ID (Vulid)
Group Title:
Rule ID:
Rule Version (STIG-ID):
Rule Title:
Vulnerability Discussion:
Check Content:
Fix Text:



    Group ID (Vulid)    Group Title:    Rule ID:    Severity:   Rule Version (STIG-ID)  Rule Title: Vulnerability Discussion    Check Content   Fix Text:   CCI:    CCI:






sed -i 's/^.*\(: \)/\1/g' 505942.txt # Use '-i' for editing files in place (in the file itself). replace everything until the first colon ':' excluding, in other words, remove the headers from each line.
sed -i 's/^\(: \)//g' 505942.txt # Remove the first colon and the subsequent white space.
sed -i 's/^/"/' 505942.txt # Add double quotes in the beginning of each line. Quotes whill help you to parse the final comma seperated value file, since some of the fields seem to already contain commas.
sed -i 's/$/",/' 505942.txt # Add double quotes in the end of each line.
cat 505942.txt | xargs -n10 -d'\n' > 505942-after-xargs.txt # Join every 10 lines of the file.
sed -i 's/,$//' 505942-after-xargs.txt # Remove the last comma from each line.

sed -n 1,10p 505942.txt > 505942-headers.txt # Keep the first 10 lines from which you will extract the headers.
sed -i 's/:.*//' 505942-headers.txt # Remove everything after (including) the first colon.
sed -i 's/^/"/' 505942-headers.txt # Similar to above command.
sed -i 's/$/",/' 505942-headers.txt # Similar to above command.
cat 505942-headers.txt | xargs -n10 -d'\n' > 505942-headers-after-xargs.txt # Similar to above command.
sed -i 's/,$//' 505942-headers-after-xargs.txt # Similar to above command.

cat 505942-after-xargs.txt >> 505942-headers-after-xargs.txt # Join the files; append to the header file.

cat 505942-headers-after-xargs.txt # Check everything seems fine.
cp 505942-headers-after-xargs.txt 505942.csv # Copy to the final .csv file.



Group Title: SRG-OS-000067-GPOS-00035
Rule ID: SV-96463r1_rule
Severity: CAT II
Rule Version (STIG-ID): AOSX-13-067035
Rule Title: The macOS system must enable certificate for smartcards.
Vulnerability Discussion: To prevent untrusted certificates the certificates on a smartcard card must be valid in these ways: its issuer is system-trusted, the certificate is not expired, its "valid-after" date is in the past, and it passes CRL and OCSP checking.
Check Content: To view the setting for the smartcard certification configuration, run the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep checkCertificateTrust If the output is null or not "checkCertificateTrust = 1;" this is a finding.
Fix Text: This setting is enforced using the "Smartcard" configuration profile.
CCI: CCI-000186
Group ID (Vulid): V-81749
Group Title: SRG-OS-000067-GPOS-00035
Rule ID: SV-96463r1_rule
Severity: CAT II
Rule Version (STIG-ID): AOSX-13-067035
Rule Title: The macOS system must enable certificate for smartcards.
Vulnerability Discussion: To prevent untrusted certificates the certificates on a smartcard card must be valid in these ways: its issuer is system-trusted, the certificate is not expired, its "valid-after" date is in the past, and it passes CRL and OCSP checking.
Check Content: To view the setting for the smartcard certification configuration, run the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep checkCertificateTrust If the output is null or not "checkCertificateTrust = 1;" this is a finding.
Fix Text: This setting is enforced using the "Smartcard" configuration profile.
CCI: CCI-000186


"Group ID (Vulid)", "Group Title", "Rule ID", "Severity", "Rule Version (STIG-ID)", "Rule Title", "Vulnerability Discussion", "Check Content", "Fix Text", "CCI"
"V-81749", "SRG-OS-000067-GPOS-00035", "SV-96463r1_rule", "CAT II", "AOSX-13-067035", "The macOS system must enable certificate for smartcards.", "its issuer is system-trusted, the certificate is not expired, its "valid-after" date is in the past, and it passes CRL and OCSP checking.", "sudo /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep checkCertificateTrust If the output is null or not "checkCertificateTrust = 1;" this is a finding.", "This setting is enforced using the "Smartcard" configuration profile.", "CCI-000186"
"V-81749", "SRG-OS-000067-GPOS-00035", "SV-96463r1_rule", "CAT II", "AOSX-13-067035", "The macOS system must enable certificate for smartcards.", "its issuer is system-trusted, the certificate is not expired, its "valid-after" date is in the past, and it passes CRL and OCSP checking.", "sudo /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep checkCertificateTrust If the output is null or not "checkCertificateTrust = 1;" this is a finding.", "This setting is enforced using the "Smartcard" configuration profile.", "CCI-000186"
