



ack(協会)、Perl 5を内部的に使用してnグラム、特に高次nグラムを得る。私が知っている構文(デフォルトでは最も多い$9)を使用すると、最大9gまで取得できますが、10gは取得できません。使用するとサフィックスが$10提供されます。そのようにして問題は解決されませんでした。はい$10$(10)${10}いいえLanguage Modeling Toolkitを使用するソリューションに興味がありますack

私が使用したデータセットの1つはMark Twainの完全なコレクションでした。

wget http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/3200/pg3200.txt && mv pg3200.txt TWAIN_Mark_complete_orig.txt)。



time cat TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | \
    ack '(\S+) +(?=(\S+) +)' \
    --output '$1 $2' | \
    sort | uniq -c | \
    sort -rn > Twain_2grams.txt
## `time` info not shown
$ head -n 2 Twain_2grams.txt
  18176 of the
  13288 in the


time cat TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | \
    ack '(\S+) (?=(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+))' \
    --output '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9' | \
    sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > Twain_9grams.txt
## time info not shown
$ head -n 2 Twain_9grams.txt
     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st
     17 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis




time cat TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | \
    ack '(\S+) (?=(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+))' \
    --output '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10' | \
    sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > Twain_10grams.txt

$ head -n 2 Twain_10grams.txt
     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st to0
     17 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis mrs0


diff -u <(head -n 2 Twain_10grams.txt)<(head -n 2 Twain_9grams.txt)色差を強調する|

よりこの回答(そしてこのコメント)単語の違いを強調表示して色の違いを詳しく調べる方法を学びます。基本的にaptまだyumfor colordiff、そしてpipfor diff-highlight


     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st $(10)
     17 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis $(10)



     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st ${10}
     17 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis ${10}



あります。はい統計(非常に実際の出力がここに示されている出力と異なる可能性(ゼロではなく有限)があります。 9グラムの最初の2つの結果は、異なる単語の順序ではありません。最も一般的な10グラムの他の可能な部分は、最も一般的な9グラムのトップ10を見てみることができます。head代わりに使用してください。head -n 2それにもかかわらず、これは私たちが最も一般的な2つの10グラムを持っていることを保証するものではないと確信しています。しかし、私が達成したいことが何であるかを明確に表現できたらと思います。

17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis
3 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis honolulu


     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis
      7 happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised almost

head -n 2これは私が得た結果を示すために常に使用することです。


$ grep -o "to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st [^ ]\+" \
   TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
     17 to mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis

$ grep -o "mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis [^ ]\+" \
   TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      3 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis honolulu
      2 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis san
      2 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis no
      2 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis 224
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis wash
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis wailuku
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis virginia
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis the
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis sept
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis on
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis hartford
      1 mrs jane clemens and mrs moffett in st louis carson


$ grep -o "[^ ]\+ happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      6 shelley's happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised
      1 his happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised
$ grep -o "shelley's happiness in his home had been wounded and [^ ]\+" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      6 shelley's happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised
$ grep -o "happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised [^ ]\+" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      7 happiness in his home had been wounded and bruised almost
$ grep -o "in his home had been wounded and bruised almost [^ ]\+" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      7 in his home had been wounded and bruised almost to
$ grep -o "his home had been wounded and bruised almost to [^ ]\+" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      7 his home had been wounded and bruised almost to death
$ grep -o "home had been wounded and bruised almost to death [^ ]\+" TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death thirdly
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death secondly
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death it
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death fourthly
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death first
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death fifthly
      1 home had been wounded and bruised almost to death and



これはリリースノートに記載されています。github.com/beyondgrep/ack3/blob/dev/RELEASE-NOTES.md-これで、$1 から $9、$、$.、$&、$`、$'、および $+_ 変数のみ使用できます。



$1 through $9
The subpattern from the corresponding set of capturing parentheses.
If your pattern is "(.+) and (.+)", and the string is "this and that',
then $1 is "this" and $2 is "that".


しかし、ack、「標準」* NIXタイプのターミナルツールを使用するか、それを使用して解決策やハッキングを実行している人がいるかどうか疑問に思います。私の好みは順番にperl、、、、です。似たようなものがある場合(例:コマンドラインの解析、grepawksedackいいえNLPツールキットベースのソリューション)、私はこれにも興味があります。




tr [:upper:] [:lower:] < TWAIN_Mark_complete_orig.txt | \
# upper case to lower case and avoid useless use of cat
 tr '\n' ' ' | \
# newlines into spaces, so we can later make it one line, single-spaced
 sed -E "s/[^a-z0-9 '*-]+//g" | \
# get rid of everything but letters, numbers, and a few other symbols (corpus)
 awk '{$0=$0;$1=$1}1' > TWAIN_Mark_complete_parsed.txt && \
# collapse all multiple spaces to one space (includes tabs), save to output

はい、これらの内容はすべて1行に表示できます(末尾なし && :)。しかし、これは私が今やっていることをなぜしているのかを読み、説明するのが簡単になります。


$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 MY_MACHINE 3.0.7(0.338/5/3) 2019-04-30 18:08 x86_64 Cygwin
$ bash --version | head -n 1
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(3)-release (x86_64-unknown-cygwin)
$ ack --version | head -n 2
ack v3.3.1 (standard build)
Running under Perl v5.26.3 at /usr/bin/perl.exe
$ systeminfo | sed -n 's/^OS\ *//p'
Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Version:                10.0.17134 N/A Build 17134
Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
Configuration:          Member Workstation
Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free


私はPerlの専門家ではありませんが、ここに可能なハッキングがあります。オールインワンのようです。ソースファイル、出力文字列内の単一文字のみackを処理するようです。$複数の文字を許可するように変更することは確かに機能しますが、単純にするには使用できます0..9。たとえば、 and as と ( で示される ) をabc...許可するように変更しました。$a$b$10$11diff -u

@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
         $opt_output =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
         $opt_output =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
-        my @supported_special_variables = ( 1..9, qw( _ . ` & ' +  f ) );
+        my @supported_special_variables = ( 1..9, qw( a b _ . ` & ' +  f ) );
         @special_vars_used_by_opt_output = grep { $opt_output =~ /\$$_/ } @supported_special_variables;
         # If the $opt_output contains $&, $` or $', those vars won't be
@@ -924,6 +924,8 @@
                 # on them not changing in the process of doing the s///.
                 my %keep = map { ($_ => ${$_} // '') } @special_vars_used_by_opt_output;
+                $keep{a} = $10;
+                $keep{b} = $11;
                 $keep{_} = $line if exists $keep{_}; # Manually set it because $_ gets reset in a map.
                 $keep{f} = $filename if exists $keep{f};
                 my $special_vars_used_by_opt_output = join( '', @special_vars_used_by_opt_output );

