



Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files



terminator --no-dbus




if [ -n "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/dbus-update-activation-environment" ]; then
  # subshell so we can unset environment variables
    # unset login-session-specifics
    unset XDG_SEAT
    unset XDG_SESSION_ID
    unset XDG_VTNR

    # tell dbus-daemon --session to put the Xsession's environment in activated services' environments
    dbus-update-activation-environment --verbose --all




私のシステムはDebian Busterで、一般的なオープンボックス環境を使用しています(GnomeやKDEなどのデスクトップ環境はありません)。



あなたが言及した具体的な例の場合terminator。 ~からターミネーターのマニュアルページ、私達は次を見ます:

    If this is specified and Terminator is already running, DBus 
    will be used to spawn a new tab in the first Terminator window.


$ terminator &
$ terminator --new-tab &

最初のコマンドが新しいウィンドウを開くことがわかります。 2番目のコマンドは、最初のウィンドウで新しいタブを開きます。これは、dbusを使用して最初のプロセスを見つけ、新しいタブを開くように要求し、終了する2番目のプロセスによって行われます。


$ terminator --no-dbus &
$ terminator --new-tab &

最初のコマンドが新しいウィンドウを開くことがわかります。 2番目のコマンドは、最初のウィンドウのdbusが見つからないため、新しいウィンドウを起動します。これをテストするためにターミネーターをインストールしたのは本当です。

また、ポルキットも影響を受けると考えられます。 Polkitはdbusを使用してGUIアプリケーションの権限を向上させます。これはsudoGUIの世界と同じです。 gnomeで管理者パスワードの入力を求められたときに全画面が隠れる場合、これはPolkitの機能です。 .努力から。これは高い権限で実行されます。このオプションがある場合とない場合に違いがあるかどうかを確認してください。私のウィンドウマネージャ(i3)にpolkitエージェントがないため、このエージェントをテストできません。terminator--no-dbusterminatorpkexec lsls--no-dbus



はい。取るsystemctlsystemctl status質問は"org.freedesktop.systemd1"あなたに発行され提示されます。 systemctl startdbusメソッドが呼び出され、単位がパラメータとしてメソッドに渡されます。 systemd電話に応答して対処してください。


ssh.servicesystemd dbusの特定のデバイス(たとえば)で利用可能なエントリを表示するには、次の手順を試します。

busctl introspect \
    org.freedesktop.systemd1 \
NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE       RESULT/VALUE                             FLAGS
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -               -                                        -
.Introspect                         method    -               s                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer           interface -               -                                        -
.GetMachineId                       method    -               s                                        -
.Ping                               method    -               -                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -               -                                        -
.Get                                method    ss              v                                        -
.GetAll                             method    s               a{sv}                                    -
.Set                                method    ssv             -                                        -
.PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as        -                                        -
org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service    interface -               -                                        -
.AttachProcesses                    method    sau             -                                        -
.GetProcesses                       method    -               a(sus)                                   -
.AllowedCPUs                        property  ay              0                                        -
.AllowedMemoryNodes                 property  ay              0                                        -
.AmbientCapabilities                property  t               0                                        const
.AppArmorProfile                    property  (bs)            false ""                                 const
.BindPaths                          property  a(ssbt)         0                                        const
.BindReadOnlyPaths                  property  a(ssbt)         0                                        const
.BlockIOAccounting                  property  b               false                                    -
.BlockIODeviceWeight                property  a(st)           0                                        -
.BlockIOReadBandwidth               property  a(st)           0                                        -
.BlockIOWeight                      property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.BlockIOWriteBandwidth              property  a(st)           0                                        -
.BusName                            property  s               ""                                       const
.CPUAccounting                      property  b               false                                    -
.CPUAffinity                        property  ay              0                                        const
.CPUAffinityFromNUMA                property  b               false                                    const
.CPUQuotaPerSecUSec                 property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.CPUQuotaPeriodUSec                 property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.CPUSchedulingPolicy                property  i               0                                        const
.CPUSchedulingPriority              property  i               0                                        const
.CPUSchedulingResetOnFork           property  b               false                                    const
.CPUShares                          property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.CPUUsageNSec                       property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.CPUWeight                          property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.CacheDirectory                     property  as              0                                        const
.CacheDirectoryMode                 property  u               493                                      const
.CapabilityBoundingSet              property  t               18446744073709551615                     const
.CleanResult                        property  s               "success"                                emits-change
.ConfigurationDirectory             property  as              0                                        const
.ConfigurationDirectoryMode         property  u               493                                      const
.ControlGroup                       property  s               "/system.slice/ssh.service"              -
.ControlPID                         property  u               0                                        emits-change
.CoredumpFilter                     property  t               51                                       const
.DefaultMemoryLow                   property  t               0                                        -
.DefaultMemoryMin                   property  t               0                                        -
.Delegate                           property  b               false                                    -
.DelegateControllers                property  as              0                                        -
.DeviceAllow                        property  a(ss)           0                                        -
.DevicePolicy                       property  s               "auto"                                   -
.DisableControllers                 property  as              0                                        -
.DynamicUser                        property  b               false                                    const
.EffectiveCPUs                      property  ay              0                                        -
.EffectiveMemoryNodes               property  ay              0                                        -
.Environment                        property  as              0                                        const
.EnvironmentFiles                   property  a(sb)           1 "/etc/default/ssh" true                const
.ExecCondition                      property  a(sasbttttuii)  0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecConditionEx                    property  a(sasasttttuii) 0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecMainCode                       property  i               0                                        emits-change
.ExecMainExitTimestamp              property  t               0                                        emits-change
.ExecMainExitTimestampMonotonic     property  t               0                                        emits-change
.ExecMainPID                        property  u               835                                      emits-change
.ExecMainStartTimestamp             property  t               1597235861087584                         emits-change
.ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic    property  t               5386565                                  emits-change
.ExecMainStatus                     property  i               0                                        emits-change
.ExecReload                         property  a(sasbttttuii)  2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecReloadEx                       property  a(sasasttttuii) 2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecStart                          property  a(sasbttttuii)  1 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 3 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecStartEx                        property  a(sasasttttuii) 1 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 3 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecStartPost                      property  a(sasbttttuii)  0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecStartPostEx                    property  a(sasasttttuii) 0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecStartPre                       property  a(sasbttttuii)  1 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecStartPreEx                     property  a(sasasttttuii) 1 "/usr/sbin/sshd" 2 "/usr/sbin/sshd" "… emits-invalidation
.ExecStop                           property  a(sasbttttuii)  0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecStopEx                         property  a(sasasttttuii) 0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecStopPost                       property  a(sasbttttuii)  0                                        emits-invalidation
.ExecStopPostEx                     property  a(sasasttttuii) 0                                        emits-invalidation
.FileDescriptorStoreMax             property  u               0                                        const
.FinalKillSignal                    property  i               9                                        const
.GID                                property  u               4294967295                               emits-change
.Group                              property  s               ""                                       const
.GuessMainPID                       property  b               true                                     const
.IOAccounting                       property  b               false                                    -
.IODeviceLatencyTargetUSec          property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IODeviceWeight                     property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IOReadBandwidthMax                 property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IOReadBytes                        property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IOReadIOPSMax                      property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IOReadOperations                   property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IOSchedulingClass                  property  i               0                                        const
.IOSchedulingPriority               property  i               0                                        const
.IOWeight                           property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IOWriteBandwidthMax                property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IOWriteBytes                       property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IOWriteIOPSMax                     property  a(st)           0                                        -
.IOWriteOperations                  property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IPAccounting                       property  b               false                                    -
.IPAddressAllow                     property  a(iayu)         0                                        -
.IPAddressDeny                      property  a(iayu)         0                                        -
.IPEgressBytes                      property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IPEgressFilterPath                 property  as              0                                        -
.IPEgressPackets                    property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IPIngressBytes                     property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IPIngressFilterPath                property  as              0                                        -
.IPIngressPackets                   property  t               18446744073709551615                     -
.IgnoreSIGPIPE                      property  b               true                                     const
.InaccessiblePaths                  property  as              0                                        const
.CollectMode                        property  s               "inactive"                               const
.ConditionResult                    property  b               true                                     emits-change
.ConditionTimestamp                 property  t               1597235861034899                         emits-change
.ConditionTimestampMonotonic        property  t               5333881                                  emits-change
.Conditions                         property  a(sbbsi)        1 "ConditionPathExists" false true "/et… emits-invalidation
.ConflictedBy                       property  as              0                                        const
.Conflicts                          property  as              1 "shutdown.target"                      const
.ConsistsOf                         property  as              0                                        const
.DefaultDependencies                property  b               true                                     const
.Description                        property  s               "OpenBSD Secure Shell server"            const
.Documentation                      property  as              2 "man:sshd(8)" "man:sshd_config(5)"     const
.DropInPaths                        property  as              0                                        const
.FailureAction                      property  s               "none"                                   const
.FailureActionExitStatus            property  i               -1                                       const
.Following                          property  s               ""                                       -
.FragmentPath                       property  s               "/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service"        const
.FreezerState                       property  s               "running"                                emits-change
.Id                                 property  s               "ssh.service"                            const
.IgnoreOnIsolate                    property  b               false                                    const
.InactiveEnterTimestamp             property  t               0                                        emits-change
.InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic    property  t               0                                        emits-change
.InactiveExitTimestamp              property  t               1597235861039525                         emits-change
.InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic     property  t               5338505                                  emits-change
.InvocationID                       property  ay              16 90 215 118 165 228 162 72 57 179 144… emits-change
.Job                                property  (uo)            0 "/"                                    emits-change
.JobRunningTimeoutUSec              property  t               18446744073709551615                     const
.JobTimeoutAction                   property  s               "none"                                   const
.JobTimeoutRebootArgument           property  s               ""                                       const
.JobTimeoutUSec                     property  t               18446744073709551615                     const
.JoinsNamespaceOf                   property  as              0                                        const
.LoadError                          property  (ss)            "" ""                                    const
.LoadState                          property  s               "loaded"                                 const
.Names                              property  as              2 "ssh.service" "sshd.service"           const
.NeedDaemonReload                   property  b               false                                    const
.OnFailure                          property  as              0                                        const
.OnFailureJobMode                   property  s               "replace"                                const
.PartOf                             property  as              0                                        const
.Perpetual                          property  b               false                                    const
.PropagatesReloadTo                 property  as              0                                        const
.RebootArgument                     property  s               ""                                       const
.Refs                               property  as              0                                        -
.RefuseManualStart                  property  b               false                                    const
.RefuseManualStop                   property  b               false                                    const
.ReloadPropagatedFrom               property  as              0                                        const
.RequiredBy                         property  as              0                                        const
.Requires                           property  as              3 "system.slice" "-.mount" "sysinit.tar… const
.RequiresMountsFor                  property  as              1 "/run/sshd"                            const
.Requisite                          property  as              0                                        const
.RequisiteOf                        property  as              0                                        const
.SourcePath                         property  s               ""                                       const
.StartLimitAction                   property  s               "none"                                   const
.StartLimitBurst                    property  u               5                                        const
.StartLimitIntervalUSec             property  t               10000000                                 const
.StateChangeTimestamp               property  t               1597235861208937                         emits-change
.StateChangeTimestampMonotonic      property  t               5507917                                  emits-change
.StopWhenUnneeded                   property  b               false                                    const
.SubState                           property  s               "running"                                emits-change
.SuccessAction                      property  s               "none"                                   const
.SuccessActionExitStatus            property  i               -1                                       const
.Transient                          property  b               false                                    const
.TriggeredBy                        property  as              0                                        const
.Triggers                           property  as              0                                        const
.UnitFilePreset                     property  s               "enabled"                                -
.UnitFileState                      property  s               "enabled"                                -
.WantedBy                           property  as              1 "multi-user.target"                    const
.Wants                              property  as              0                                        const




