09/03/2020 00:05:03.364 Aggregated 1000 NMEs at a rate of 0 NMEs/sec
09/03/2020 00:05:03.366 Scheme S20_SessionClassAggregation tree contained 1000 nmes, 500 flushed, 0 remain.
09/03/2020 00:05:03.582 Flushed 1000 NMEs at a rate of 0 NMEs/sec
09/03/2020 00:20:03.598 Aggregated 2000 NMEs at a rate of 0 NMEs/sec
09/03/2020 00:20:03.602 Scheme S20_SessionClassAggregation tree contained 2000 nmes, 1000 flushed, 0 remain.
09/03/2020 00:20:03.860 Flushed 2000 NMEs at a rate of 0 NMEs/sec
009/03/2020 00:05:03.582
レポートの最後に、3行()から1行(09/03/2020 00:05:03.364
)まで、6行()から4行()までのタイムスタンプ差を計算する必要があります09/03/2020 00:20:03.860
。つまり、「集計」と関連する「更新」の時間差を計算する必要があります。09/03/2020 00:20:03.598
awk '$3 == "Aggregated" {Agg_date=$1" "$2;Aggregated=$4}
$3=="Flushed" {Flush_date=$1" "$2;Flushed=$4}
$4=="S20_SessionClassAggregation" {S20_Flushed=$9}
{printf Aggregated" "S20_Flushed" "Flushed " "Flush_date" "Agg_date "\n"}' test.txt
Aggregated S20_Flushed Flushed Flush_date Agg_date Tme difference between
Flushdate - Agg_date
1000 500 1000 09/03/2020 00:05:03.582 09/03/2020 00:05:03.364 0 min 0 sec 218 ms
2000 1000 2000 09/03/2020 00:20:03.860 09/03/2020 00:20:03.598 0 min 0 sec 262 ms
以下は、あなたが要求した計算を実行するためにGNU awkを使用する方法ですmktime()
$ cat tst.awk
$3 == "Aggregated" {
aggDt = $1 " " $2
$3 == "Flushed" {
fluDt = $1 " " $2
aggMs = dt2ms(aggDt)
fluMs = dt2ms(fluDt)
difMs = fluMs - aggMs
print fluDt, aggDt, difMs
function dt2ms(dt, t, ms) {
split(dt,t,"[/ :.]")
ms = mktime(t[3]" "t[1]" "t[2]" "t[4]" "t[5]" "t[6]) * 1000 + t[7]
return ms
$ awk -f tst.awk file
09/03/2020 00:05:03.582 09/03/2020 00:05:03.364 218
09/03/2020 00:20:03.860 09/03/2020 00:20:03.598 262