ネットワーク管理者隠しネットワークへの接続 - パスワードの指定 - 認証タイプではありません

ネットワーク管理者隠しネットワークへの接続 - パスワードの指定 - 認証タイプではありません


nmcli c add type wifi con-name $ssid ifname $adapter ssid $ssid
nmcli con modify $ssid wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
nmcli con modify $ssid wifi-sec.psk $password
nmcli con up $ssid




nmcli -w 30 device wifi connect $ssid password $password ifname $adapter

nmcl認証タイプを指定する必要のない隠しAPに接続するのと同様に、パスワード、SSID、およびデバイスのみを提供し、認証タイプを指定する必要がないように隠しWi-Fi APに接続する方法はありますか?


nmcliと一緒に使用する場合は、オプションをに設定してみdevice wifi connectてください。hiddenyes


wifi connect (B)SSID [password password] [wep-key-type {key | phrase}] [ifname ifname] [bssid BSSID] [name name] [private {yes | no}] [hidden {yes | no}]
  Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID. The command finds a matching connection or creates one and then activates it on a device. This is a
  command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. If a connection for the network already exists, it is possible to bring up (activate) the existing
  profile as follows: nmcli con up id name. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networks are supported if no previous connection exists. It is also assumed that
  IP configuration is obtained via DHCP.

  If --wait option is not specified, the default timeout will be 90 seconds.

  Available options are:


    set to yes when connecting for the first time to an AP not broadcasting its SSID. Otherwise, the SSID would not be found and the connection attempt would

  [1]: https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/nmcli.html
