


  292G.- La Ilíada (tomo I) ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
  - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
  - Another note line.

  293G.- El Ingenioso Hidalgo "Don Quijote" De La Mancha ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
  - Masterpiece.

  294G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
  - Russian masterpiece.

  295G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
  - I read this one as a kid.


  292G.- El Ingenioso Hidalgo "Don Quijote" De La Mancha ; Collection one (volume 1) ; Miguel de Cervantes ; http://www.daemcopiapo.cl/Biblioteca/Archivos/7_6253.pdf
  - Masterpiece.

  293G.- La isla del tesoro ; Collection one (volume 2) ; Robert Louis Stevenson ; https://www.biblioteca.org.ar/libros/130864.pdf
  - I read this one as a kid.

  294G.- La Ilíada (tomo I) ; Collection one (volume 3) ; Homer ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Homero/Iliada.pdf
  - I have to download more ancient greek texts.
  - Another note line.

  295G.- Crimen y castigo ; Collection one (volume 4) ; Fiódor Dostoyevski ; http://www.ataun.eus/BIBLIOTECAGRATUITA/Cl%C3%A1sicos%20en%20Espa%C3%B1ol/Fedor%20Dostoiewski/Crimen%20y%20castigo.pdf
  - Russian masterpiece.



明示的な言語要件を指定していないので、これはPython 3.8の汚い解決策です。他の人がより良い方法を思い出すことができると確信していますが、これだけで十分です。


また、「-La isla del tesoro」で欠落しているスペースを処理しません。

import re

booklist = []
bookcount = 0
entry = ''
line_numbers = []

# Find and return the volume number for a book
def get_volnum(book):
        volstring = ''
        volstring = re.search('\\(volume (\d+)\\)', book)
        volnum = volstring.group(1)
        return volnum

# Read file and put in doc variable
doc = open('list.txt', 'r').readlines()

# Group each book in a single string and append in a booklist
for line in doc:
    # if line begins with three decimals followed by 'G.', put line in a new entry. 
    if re.match("(\d\d\d)G.*", line): 
        #read the line number and append to a list
        # Add previous entry to booklist (without the three decimals and G.)
        if bookcount > 0:

        entry = line
        bookcount +=1
    # If line begins with a '- ', concatenate the line into the current entry.
    if line.startswith('- '):
        entry += line

#Append last line
# Make a list (booktable) that contains [volnum, book]
booktable = []
[booktable.append([get_volnum(book), book]) for book in booklist]

# Sort that list by volnum (index 0 of each list item of booktable)
booktable.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0]))


# Write result to file
f = open("new-list.txt", "w")
for b in booktable:
    f.write(line_numbers.pop(0) + 'G.' + b[1])

