<This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=2021 the month=2/>
<This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
sed -i -En '/./{H;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/p' test2.txt
ただし、結果はsedコマンドがファイルの残りの文字列をすべて削除してregexp initに入れた結果であるため、test2.txtは次のようになります。
<!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=2021 the month=2-->
$ sed -E '/./{H;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file
<!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=2021 the month=2-->
<This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
$ sed -E '/./{H;1h;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file
<!--This is a line of text with a year=2020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=2021 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=2021 the month=2-->
<This is a line of text with a year=33020 month=12 in it
This line of text does not have a year or month in it
This year=33020 is the current year the current month=1
This is the year=33020 the month=2/>
sed -i.bak -E '/./{H;1h;$!d} ; x ; s/<(This.*2020.*)\/>/<!--\1-->/' file