

プログラムはにあります/usr/bin/mail。実行後にVersion 8.1.2 01/15/2001表示されます。


Commands are:
next, alias, print, type, Type, Print, visual, top, touch, preserve, 
delete, dp, dt, undelete, unset, mail, mbox, pipe, |, more, page, More, 
Page, unread, Unread, !, copy, chdir, cd, save, source, set, shell, 
version, group, write, from, file, folder, folders, ?, z, headers, 
help, =, Reply, Respond, reply, respond, edit, echo, quit, list, xit, 
exit, size, hold, if, else, endif, alternates, ignore, discard, retain, 
saveignore, savediscard, saveretain, core, #, inc, new


Mail Command               Description
-------------------------  --------------------------------------------
t [message list]           type message(s).
n                          goto and type next message.
e [message list]           edit message(s).
f [message list]           give head lines of messages.
d [message list]           delete message(s).
s [message list] <file>    append message(s) to file.
u [message list]           undelete message(s).
R [message list]           reply to message sender(s).
r [message list]           reply to message sender(s) and all recipients.
p [message list]           print message list.
pre [message list]         make messages go back to /var/mail.
m <recipient list>         mail to specific recipient(s).
q                          quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox.
x                          quit, do not remove system mailbox.
h                          print out active message headers.
!                          shell escape.
| [msglist] command        pipe message(s) to shell command.
pi [msglist] command       pipe message(s) to shell command.
cd [directory]             chdir to directory or home if none given
fi <file>                  switch to file (%=system inbox, %user=user's
                           system inbox).  + searches in your folder
                           directory for the file.
set variable[=value]       set Mail variable.

Enter キーを押すとzメッセージリストの終わりが表示されますが、?ヘルプページにはコマンドは表示されません。

  1. これは何のプログラムですか?
  2. 使い方のチュートリアルはありますか?
  3. 一般的なコマンドとそれを使用するのに役立つヒントは何ですか?
  4. zメッセージリストを閲覧(またはその逆)して更新するには?




If there is more than a screenful of messages, then z will
show the next screenful, and z- will show the previous screenful.
