

nohupジョブを実行し、すでに実行されているプロセスで特定の新しいコマンド(kerberos認証など)を実行したいと思います。実際に理想的な解決策は、最初にreauthコマンドを実行してから実際のタスクを実行することです。すべて同じ nohup プロセス ID の下にあります。これにより、nohupプロセスでkerberosチケットが失われることはありません。だから、Kerberosチケットを失わないように、他のPythonスクリプトと同期して再認証を実行したいと思います。画面やtmuxなしまたはスクリプトと対話する必要があるすべて。私は基本的にPythonタスク(またはすべてのタスク)を実行し、実行が完了するまでチケットを失わないデーモンを実装したいと思います。どうすればいいですか?


# - set up this main sh script
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc.user
echo HOME = $HOME

source cuda11.1

conda init bash
conda activate metalearning_gpu

# - get a job id for this tmux session
export SLURM_JOBID=$(python -c "import random;print(random.randint(0, 1_000_000))")
export OUT_FILE=$PWD/main.sh.o$SLURM_JOBID
export ERR_FILE=$PWD/main.sh.e$SLURM_JOBID
export WANDB_DIR=$HOME/wandb_dir

python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(0));"

# - CAREFUL, if a job is already running it could do damage to it, rm reauth process, qian doesn't do it so skip it
# top -u brando9
# pkill -9 reauth -u brando9

# - expt python script then inside that python pid attach a reauth process
# should I run rauth within python with subprocess or package both the nohup command and the rauth together in badsh somehow
#python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE &
#nohup (echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth; python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE) &
nohup (echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth; python -u ~/main.py > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE) &
# other option is to run `echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth` inside of python, right?
export JOB_PID=$!

# - Done
echo "Done with the dispatching (daemon) sh script




(metalearning_gpu)~ $ cat /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth
# $Id: reauth 2737 2011-06-20 18:14:05Z miles $
# Original version (C) Martin Schulz, 2'2002
# University Karlsruhe
# Modifications by Miles Davis <[email protected]>
#  Super minimal -- call programs rather than functions to reduce dependence
#  on extra perl modules.
# Heimdal patches thanks to Georgios Asimenos <[email protected]>

# General:

# This little script aims at maintaining a valid AFS token from a
# users password for long running jobs.

# As everybody knows (or should know) Kerberos tickets and AFS tokens
# only have a limited lifetime. This is so by design and is usually
# reasonable. After 12 hours, it is no more obvious that it is really
# that user sitting in front of the computer that once typed the
# correct password in. Furthermore the damage caused by compromized
# AFS tokens is limited to the lifetime of that ticket.

# However, there are situations when users want to use long running
# jobs that will write to AFS filespace for several days. Renewable
# tickets are not so much of help here, since they can only be renewed
# if ....

# Therefore the secret has somehow deposited on the local computer
# that will run the long time job. This can be eiter done by storing a
# keytab on the local disk, maybe with a cron(*) principal with
# reduces priviledges. The approach taken here is to work with the
# original password and keep it in RAM only.

# When starting this program, the user is asked for his principal and
# the corresponding password. Then the TGT and AFS token is obtained
# and displayed, afterwards, a background process is forked and the
# main process will return to the system prompt. The workload program
# can now be started.

# The background process will periodically attempt to obtain krb
# tickets and AFS tokens. If this fails for some reason (Kerberos
# server not available or anything, the program aborts.

# aklog does not create a new pag if not told so. If you want your
# background process have a separate pag, create it beforehand.

# The reauth.pl program will work until eternity if is not stopped
# somehow. The canonical way is kill it by "kill $pid", where $pid is
# the process id printed before the return of the initial call to
# reauth.pl or found in the output of "ps".

# (*) Cron jobs are another issue. Our institute introduced
# user.cron-style principals to enable cron to obtain a token and then
# work on restricted parts of the users home directories.

# Security issues:

# reauth.pl will run forever if you do not stop it, so don't forget that!

# The password is kept in RAM (of the child process). AFAIK, this can
# only be recovered by local root (who you need to trust anyway). It
# will not survive a reboot of the local machine.

# The password is not kept on any disk. Therefore any bootfloppy
# (reboot to single user mode..)  or screwdriver (take disk away..)
# attacks are not promising.

# Be aware that your NSA-, FBI-, MI5-, KGB-, ElQaida-, or (*insert
# your favorite opponent or competitor here*)-sponsored cleaning
# personnel or coworkers might have even more elaborate means... :-)


# Only mildly tested only on Linux and Solaris.

# Uses kinit, aklog, klist and tokens programs for a KerberosV/ Ken
# Hornstein's migration kit centered AFS setup. Please adjust to your
# config.

# Configs:

# kinit program, add path if necessary
if ( -e "/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit" ) {
} elsif ( -e "/usr/lib/heimdal/bin/kinit" ) {
    $kinit = "/usr/lib/heimdal/bin/kinit";
} elsif ( -e "/usr/bin/kinit" ) {
} else {
    die("Couln't find kinit.\n");

# aklog program, add path if necessary
if ( -e "/usr/bin/aklog" ) {
} elsif ( -e "/usr/lib/heimdal/bin/afslog" ) {
    # or, afslog, for heimdal weirdos
} else {
    die("Couln't find aklog or afslog.\n");

# klist program, add path if necessary

# tokens program, add path if necessary

# Program:

use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(setuid);
use POSIX qw(setgid);
use POSIX qw(setsid);

# Defaults for command line options.
my $keytab = '';
my $command = '';
my $username = '';
my $debug = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $interval=15000; # time interval in seconds: 4+ hours:

my %opts = (
    # Keytab
    'k=s' => sub {
                    $keytab = @_[1];
                    $kinit_opts .= "-k -t $keytab ";
    # Run command
    'c=s' => sub {
                    $command = @_[1];
    # Run command as user
    'u=s' => sub {
                    $username = @_[1];
    # Time interval to sleep
    'i=i' => sub {
                    $interval = @_[1];
    # Debug
    'd'   => sub {
    # Be versbose
    'v'   => sub {

GetOptions(%opts) or die "Usage: reauth [ -k=keytab ] [ -u user ] [ -i <sleep_interval ] [ -v ] [ -c <command> ]\n";

if(@ARGV) {
    $princ = $ARGV[0];
    debug_print(2, "Principal name provided by argument = $princ");
} else {
   # Assume we want the login name as the principal name
    $princ = getpwuid($<);
    debug_print(2, "Principal name provided by argument = $princ");

if ($keytab) {
    # Don't ask for password, a keytab was provided.
    debug_print(1, "Keytab provided = $keytab");
} else {
    # read password, but turn off echo before:
    print "Password for $princ: ";
    system "stty -echo";
    $passwd = <STDIN>;
    system "stty echo";
    printf "\n";
    chomp $passwd;
    # Actually get the tickets/tokens
    if(obtain_tokens()!=0) {
        die "Can't obtain kerberos tickets\n";
    if ($verbose) {

# fork to go into background:
# a) the parent will exit
# b) the child will work on
$pid = fork();
if ($pid) {
    # I am the parent.
    printf "Background process pid is: $pid\n";
    if ($command) {
        debug_print(1,"Waiting for child to die.");
        debug_print(1,"Child is dead.");
    exit 0;
} else {
    # I am the child.
    debug_print(2,"I am process $$");
    print "Can't set session id\n" unless setsid();

    debug_print(2,"KRB5CCNAME: " . $ENV{KRB5CCNAME});
    #if ($ENV{KRB5CCNAME}) {
        #$ENV{KRB5CCNAME} =  $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} . "_reauth_$$";
    #} else {
        #$ENV{KRB5CCNAME} =  "/tmp/krb5cc_reauth_$$";

    #debug_print(2,"Creating " . $ENV{KRB5CCNAME});
    #system "touch $ENV{KRB5CCNAME}";

    if ($username) {
        debug_print(1, "Looking up UID for $username");
        ($name,$passwd,$UID,$GID, @junk) = getpwnam($username);
        debug_print(1, "Changing to UID $UID, GID $GID");
        print "Can't set group id\n" unless setgid($GID);
        print "Can't set user id\n" unless setuid($UID);
        if ($ENV{KRB5CCNAME}) {
            $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} =  $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} . "_reauth_$$";
        } else {
            $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} =  "/tmp/krb5cc_reauth_$$";

    debug_print(2, "Running as uid " . $<);
    # Actually get the tickets/tokens
    if(obtain_tokens()!=0) {
        die "Can't obtain kerberos tickets\n";

    if ($verbose) {

    # If I was told to run a command, do it.
    if ($command) {
        debug_print(1,"About to exec $command");
        exec($command) or die "Can't execute '$command'.\n";

    debug_print(2,"Going into auth loop (interval is $interval).");


    # Otherwise, work until killed:
    while (1) {
        debug_print(2,"Waking up to obtain new tokens.");
        if ($verbose) {
        sleep $interval;


sub obtain_tokens() {

  # ignore sigpipes' (according to perlopentut)

    #debug_print(1,"Running: | $kinit -f $kinit_opts -p $princ 1>/dev/null 2>&1");

  # run kinit
  open(KINIT, "| $kinit -f $kinit_opts -p $princ 1>/dev/null 2>&1");

  # pass password to stdin, password does not show up on command line
  if (! $keytab) {
      print(KINIT "${passwd}\n");

  # close pipe and get status
  close(KINIT); $status=$?;

    debug_print(1,"kinit exited with status $status\n");
  # act on status..
  if($status == 256) {
        if ($verbose) {
            print "WARNING: kinit is not able to obtain Kerberos ticket ($status).\n";
            print "         Possible DNS or network problem. Continuing anyway...\n";
        return 1;
  } elsif($status!=0) {
    print "kinit is not able to obtain Kerberos ticket: $status\n";
     return 2;

    debug_print(1,"Running $aklog...\n");
  $status = system "$aklog >/dev/null" ;
    debug_print(1,"aklog exited with status $status\n");
  if($status!=0) {
    print "aklog is not able to obtain AFS token: $status\n";
     return 3;

  return 0;



sub show_tokens() {
    system $klist ;
    system $tokens ;


sub debug_print($$) {
    my $level = shift;
    my $message = shift;

    if ($debug >= $level) {
        print "DEBUG$debug: $message\n";



def run_bash_command(cmd: str) -> Any:
    import subprocess

    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    output, error = process.communicate()
    if error:
        raise Exception(error)
        return output

def stanford_reauth():
    # def stanford_rauth(password: Optional[str] = None):
    # password: str = os.environ['SU_PASSWORD'] if password is None else None
    # assert password is not None, f'Err: {password=}'
    reauth_cmd: str = f'echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth'
    out = run_bash_command(reauth_cmd)
    print('Output of reauth (/afs/cs/software/bin/reauth with password)')




nohup sh -c "echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth; python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_diversity_with_task2vec.py --manual_loads_name diversity_ala_task2vec_hdb1_mio > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE" > $PWD/main.sh.nohup.out$SLURM_JOBID &


Password for brando9: stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device

Can't obtain kerberos tickets





理由はわかりませんが、ここでは代替案が機能しないようです。tty / stty(ターミナル)ではなく、Expect、sshpassがない場合、どのようにコマンドにパスワードを送信しますか?


  • 参照されたshスクリプトでreauthを実行する
  • Pythonで認証を実行する
  • 上記の両方を実行してください。


# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/724902/how-does-one-send-new-commands-to-run-to-an-already-running-nohup-process-e-g-r
# sh ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/main_nohup_snap.sh
# - set up this main sh script
export RUN_PWD=$(pwd)
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc.user
echo HOME = $HOME
# since snap .bash.user cd's me into HOME at dfs
realpath .

source cuda11.1

conda init bash
conda activate metalearning_gpu

# - get a job id for this tmux session
export SLURM_JOBID=$(python -c "import random;print(random.randint(0, 1_000_000))")
export OUT_FILE=$PWD/main.sh.o$SLURM_JOBID
export ERR_FILE=$PWD/main.sh.e$SLURM_JOBID
export WANDB_DIR=$HOME/wandb_dir
echo $OUT_FILE
echo $ERR_FILE

python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(0));"

# - CAREFUL, if a job is already running it could do damage to it, rm reauth process, qian doesn't do it so skip it
# top -u brando9
# pkill -9 reauth -u brando9

# - expt python script then inside that python pid attach a reauth process
# should I run rauth within python with subprocess or package both the nohup command and the rauth together in badsh somehow
#python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE &
nohup sh -c 'echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth; python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE' > $PWD/nohup.out$SLURM_JOBID &
#nohup python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE &

# other option is to run `echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth` inside of python, right?
export JOB_PID=$!

# - Done
echo "Done with the dispatching (daemon) sh script"


nohup sh -c 'echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth; python -u ~/diversity-for-predictive-success-of-meta-learning/div_src/diversity_src/experiment_mains/main_sl_with_ddp.py --manual_loads_name sl_hdb1_5cnn_adam_cl_filter_size --filter_size 4 > $OUT_FILE 2> $ERR_FILE' > $PWD/nohup.out$SLURM_JOBID &


def run_bash_command(cmd: str) -> Any:
    import subprocess

    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    output, error = process.communicate()
    if error:
        raise Exception(error)
        return output

def stanford_reauth():
    re-authenticates the python process in the kerberos system so that the
    python process is not killed randomly.

    ref: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/724902/how-does-one-send-new-commands-to-run-to-an-already-running-nohup-process-or-run
    reauth_cmd: str = f'echo $SU_PASSWORD | /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth'
    out = run_bash_command(reauth_cmd)
    print('Output of reauth (/afs/cs/software/bin/reauth with password): ')


# - CAREFUL, if a job is already running it could do damage to it, rm reauth process
# pkill -9 reauth -u brando9
