



Mac OS X バイナリには、ホストを whois サーバーとして指定するwhoisオプションを含む、さまざまなオプションが組み込まれています。-h

     The whois utility looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network Information Centers (NICs).

 The options are as follows:

 -6      Use the IPv6 Resource Center (6bone) database.  It contains network names and addresses for the IPv6 net-

 -A      Use the Asia/Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) database.  It contains network numbers used in
         East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands.

 -a      Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database.  It contains network numbers used in
         those parts of the world covered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE.

         (Hint: All point of contact handles in the ARIN whois database end with "-ARIN".)

 -b      Use the Network Abuse Clearinghouse database.  It contains addresses to which network abuse should be
         reported, indexed by domain name.

 -c country-code
         This is the equivalent of using the -h option with an argument of "country-code.whois-servers.net".

 -d      Use the US Department of Defense database.  It contains points of contact for subdomains of .MIL.

 -g      Use the US non-military federal government database, which contains points of contact for subdomains of

 -h host
         Use the specified host instead of the default variant.  Either a host name or an IP address may be speci-


実際に新しいサーバーを指すwhoisに検索オプションを追加するには、ソースコードを再コンパイルする必要があります。を実行すると、strings /usr/bin/whois上記のサーバー固有のオプションが実際にバイナリにハードコードされていることがわかります。
