JavaScriptで変数が文字列かどうかを確認する 質問する

JavaScriptで変数が文字列かどうかを確認する 質問する

JavaScript で変数が文字列であるか何か他のものであるかを判断するにはどうすればよいでしょうか?



if (typeof myVar === 'string' || myVar instanceof String)
// it's a string
// it's something else

// Test this approach:

let isString = value => typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String;

let falseCases = [
  [ 'null', null ],
  [ 'undefined', undefined ],
  [ 'object', { a: 1, b: 2 } ],
  [ 'array', [ 1, 2, 3 ] ],
  [ 'number', 123 ],
  [ 'zero', 0 ],
  [ 'RegExp', new RegExp('hello') ],
  [ 'number with valueOf returning string', Object.assign(10, { valueOf: () => 'abc' }) ],
  [ 'object pretending to be string', { constructor: String } ]
let trueCases = [
  [ 'empty literal string', '' ],
  [ 'unicode string literal', String.fromCharCode(10000) ],
  [ 'empty boxed string', new String('') ],
  [ 'unicode boxed string', new String(String.fromCharCode(10000)) ],
  [ 'string with overwritten "constructor"', Object.assign('hi', { constructor: Array }) ],
  [ 'string with overwritten "toString"', Object.assign('hi', { toString: 123 }) ],
  [ 'string with overwritten "valueOf"', Object.assign('hi', { valueOf: 123 }) ],
  [ 'string with overwritten "constructor"', Object.assign('hi', { constructor: RegExp }) ],
  [ 'proxied string', new Proxy(new String('hello'), {}) ],

console.log('NEGATIVE TESTS:');
for (let [ name, val ] of falseCases) {
  console.log(`Test ${name}:\n  Expect: false\n  Got:    ${isString(val)}`); 

console.log('\nPOSITIVE TESTS:');
for (let [ name, val ] of trueCases) {
  console.log(`Test ${name}:\n  Expect: true\n  Got:    ${isString(val)}`); 
