SQLAlchemy: engine, connection and session difference Ask Question

SQLAlchemy: engine, connection and session difference Ask Question

I use SQLAlchemy and there are at least three entities: engine, session and connection, which have execute method, so if I e.g. want to select all records from table I can do this on the Engine level:


and on the Connection level:


and even on the Session level:


- the results will be the same.

As I understand it, if someone uses engine.execute it creates connection, opens session (Alchemy takes care of it for you) and executes the query. But is there a global difference between these three ways of performing such a task?


Running .execute()

When executing a plain SELECT * FROM tablename, there's no difference in the result provided.

The differences between these three objects do become important depending on the context that the SELECT statement is used in or, more commonly, when you want to do other things like INSERT, DELETE, etc.

When to use Engine, Connection, Session generally

  • Engine is the lowest level object used by SQLAlchemy. It maintains a pool of connections available for use whenever the application needs to talk to the database. .execute() is a convenience method that first calls conn = engine.connect(close_with_result=True) and the then conn.execute(). The close_with_result parameter means the connection is closed automatically. (I'm slightly paraphrasing the source code, but essentially true). edit: Here's the source code for engine.execute

    You can use engine to execute raw SQL.

      result = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM tablename;')
      # what engine.execute() is doing under the hood:
      conn = engine.connect(close_with_result=True)
      result = conn.execute('SELECT * FROM tablename;')
      # after you iterate over the results, the result and connection get closed
      for row in result:
      # or you can explicitly close the result, which also closes the connection

    This is covered in the docs under basic usage.

  • Connection is (as we saw above) the thing that actually does the work of executing a SQL query. You should do this whenever you want greater control over attributes of the connection, when it gets closed, etc. An important example of this is a transaction, which lets you decide when to commit your changes to the database (if at all). In normal use, changes are auto-committed. With the use of transactions, you could (for example) run several different SQL statements and if something goes wrong with one of them you could undo all the changes at once.

      connection = engine.connect()
      trans = connection.begin()
          connection.execute(text("INSERT INTO films VALUES ('Comedy', '82 minutes');"))
          connection.execute(text("INSERT INTO datalog VALUES ('added a comedy');"))
      except Exception:

    This would let you undo both changes if one failed, like if you forgot to create the datalog table.

    So if you're executing raw SQL code and need control, use connections

  • Sessions are used for the Object Relationship Management (ORM) aspect of SQLAlchemy (in fact you can see this from how they're imported: from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker). They use connections and transactions under the hood to run their automatically-generated SQL statements. .execute() is a convenience function that passes through to whatever the session is bound to (usually an engine, but can be a connection).

    ORM 機能を使用している場合は、セッションを使用します。オブジェクトにバインドされていない単純な SQL クエリのみを実行する場合は、接続を直接使用する方が適切です。
