How to find issues that at some point has been assigned to you? Ask Question

How to find issues that at some point has been assigned to you? Ask Question

We use Jira extensively in our project, but I often have a hard time finding issues, that I know, I have been working on earlier. Usually, if some case is reported, that seems familiar to something I have been working on in the past, but I don't remember exactly what and when.

Usually, an issue is reported, then our scrum master assigns it to the developer, the developer fixes it (hopefully) and then passes it to the tester (yay, it works!). But then it is no longer assigned to me, and I have a hard finding old issues, that I remember vaguely.

I thought, perhaps it is possible to see the assigned history of an issue, there might be a way to form an advanced search/filter, that finds all issues, that at some time has been assigned to me.

Has anyone done this?


This is meanwhile possible by means of the JIRA Query Language (JQL) operator 'WAS', which has been introduced in JIRA 4.3 and extended in JIRA 4.4 to cover assignees and reporters as well, for example:

project = "Angry Nerds" and (assignee was 'johnsmith' or reporter was 'johnsmith')
