What is the effect of using `python -m pip` instead of just `pip`? [duplicate] Ask Question

What is the effect of using `python -m pip` instead of just `pip`? [duplicate] Ask Question

When I use python -m pip install <package>, how is that different from using just pip install <package>? Similarly, why would I write python -m pip install --upgrade pip to upgrade Pip, instead of just pip install --upgrade pip?


Consider the following scenario.

You have three versions of Python installed:

  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.8
  • Python 3.9

Your "default" version is 3.8. It's the first one appearing in your path. Therefore, when you type python3 (Linux or Mac) or python (Windows) in a shell you will start a 3.8 interpreter because that's the first Python executable that is found when traversing your path.

Suppose you are then starting a new project where you want to use Python 3.9. You create a virtual environment called .venv and activate it.

python3.9 -m venv .venv         # "py -3.9" on Windows
source .venv/bin/activate    # ".venv\Scripts\activate" on Windows 

We now have the virtual environment activated using Python 3.9. Typing python in a shell starts the 3.9 interpreter.

BUT, if you type

pip install <some-package>

Then what version of pip is used? Is it the pip for the default version, i.e. Python 3.8, or the Python version within the virtual environment?

An easy way to get around that ambiguity is simply to use

python -m pip install <some-package>

The -m flag makes sure that you are using the pip that's tied to the active Python executable.

It's good practice to always use -m, even if you have just one global version of Python installed from which you create virtual environments.

Re. path

The so-called path is a list of directories where your system searches for executables. When you type a command, like python, this list is traversed from the first directory to the last, searching for a filename that matches the command you typed.

If the filename/command is found, the matched file gets executed without taking into account potential later matches. If no match occurs, you get a Command not found or a variation thereof. This behavior is by design.

On UNIX systems the path environment variable is called $PATH, while on Windows systems it's referred to as %PATH%

More general comments about the -m-flag (Dec. 2022)

Most people viewing this will likely want the explanation given above with pip. In a more general sense though, when using python -m some_module, the -m flag makes Python execute some_module as a script. This is stated in the docs, but might be difficult to understand without some baseline knowledge.
What does it mean to "run as a script"?

In Python, a module some_module is typically imported into another Python file with an import some_module statement at the top of the importing file. This enables the use of functions, classes, and variables defined in some_module inside the importing file. To execute some_module as a script instead of importing it, you would define an if __name__ == "__main__" block inside the file. This block gets executed when running python some_module.py on the command line. This is useful because you do not want this code block to run when importing into other files, but you do want it to run when invoked from the command line.

For modules inside your project, this script/module construct should run as is, because Python will find the module from your working directory when running from the terminal:

python some_module.py

しかし、Python の標準ライブラリの一部であるモジュールの場合、これは機能しません。Python ドキュメントの例では、timeit(pipは同様に機能します) を使用しています。

python3 timeit -s 'print("hello")'  # 'python timeit.py ...' fails as well 

次のエラーが返されます:"python: can't open file '/home/<username>/timeit': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"

フラグを追加すると、 Python はパス内でファイル内の句-mを検索しtimeit.pyて実行するように指示されます。if __name__ == "__main__"

python3 -m timeit -s 'print("hello")'


timeitモジュールのブロックのソースはif __name__ == "__main__"以下にあります。ここ
