Is it secure to store passwords as environment variables (rather than as plain text) in config files? Ask Question

Is it secure to store passwords as environment variables (rather than as plain text) in config files? Ask Question

I work on a few apps in rails, django (and a little bit of php), and one of the things that I started doing in some of them is storing database and other passwords as environment variables rather than plain text in certain config files (or in, for django apps).

In discussing this with one of my collaborators, he suggested this is a poor practice - that perhaps this isn't as perfectly secure as it might at first seem.

So, I would like to know - is this a secure practice? Is it more secure to store passwords as plain text in these files (making sure, of course, not to leave these files in public repos or anything)?


As mentioned before, both methods do not provide any layer of additional "security" once your system is compromised. I believe that one of the strongest reasons to favor environment variables is avoiding version control: I've seen way too many database configurations etc. being accidentially stored in the version control system like GIT for every other developer to see (and whoops! it happened to me as well ...).

Not storing your passwords in files makes it impossible for them to be stored in the version control system.
