Disable Visual Studio code formatting in Razor Ask Question

Disable Visual Studio code formatting in Razor Ask Question

This has been asked before: Why doesn't Visual Studio code formatting work properly for Razor markup?

But that question is a couple years old. And Razor formatting is still completely unacceptable. I have given up on fixing it.

Can I disable ALL Visual Studio formatting for CSHTML files? If not, can I disable all Visual Studio formatting entirely? Any 3rd party hacks I can use? There's got to be something!

I've upgraded to 2013 and the formatting is just as bad.

[EDIT]: 2015 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this.

[EDIT]: 2017 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this.

[EDIT]: 2019 is god-awful as well. I REALLY wish they would fix this. That said, Microsoft released a new formatting engine for .Net Core only.

[EDIT]: 2022 is... Well you know. If they ignore this 12 more years I may retire before seeing it fixed!


Under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> Advanced

there is a key value item Paste which says "Format on paste" and has a boolean value next to it. Changing this to false has disabled formatting on paste for me in razor syntax.

I am using VS Professional 2013, Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
