Is it possible to override JavaScript's toString() function to provide meaningful output for debugging? Ask Question

Is it possible to override JavaScript's toString() function to provide meaningful output for debugging? Ask Question

When I console.log() an object in my JavaScript program, I just see the output [object Object], which is not very helpful in figuring out what object (or even what type of object) it is.

In C# I'm used to overriding ToString() to be able to customize the debugger representation of an object. Is there anything similar I can do in JavaScript?


You can override toString in Javascript as well. See example:

function Foo() {}

// toString override added to prototype of Foo class
Foo.prototype.toString = function() {
  return "[object Foo]";

var f = new Foo();
console.log("" + f); // console displays [object Foo]

See this discussion on how to determine object type name in JavaScript.
