Hidden features of Perl? Ask Question

Hidden features of Perl? Ask Question

What are some really useful but esoteric language features in Perl that you've actually been able to employ to do useful work?


  • Try to limit answers to the Perl core and not CPAN
  • Please give an example and a short description

Hidden Features also found in other languages' Hidden Features:

(These are all from Corion's answer)

  • C
    • Duff's Device
    • Portability and Standardness
  • C#
    • Quotes for whitespace delimited lists and strings
    • Aliasable namespaces
  • Java
    • Static Initalizers
  • JavaScript
    • Functions are First Class citizens
    • Block scope and closure
    • Calling methods and accessors indirectly through a variable
  • Ruby
    • Defining methods through code
  • PHP
    • Pervasive online documentation
    • Magic methods
    • Symbolic references
  • Python
    • One line value swapping
    • Ability to replace even core functions with your own functionality

Other Hidden Features:


Quoting constructs:

Syntax and Names:

Modules, Pragmas, and command-line options:


Loops and flow control:

Regular expressions:

Other features:

Other tricks, and meta-answers:

See Also:


The flip-flop operator is useful for skipping the first iteration when looping through the records (usually lines) returned by a file handle, without using a flag variable:

  next if 1..1; # skip first record

Run perldoc perlop and search for "flip-flop" for more information and examples.
