NSInvocation for Dummies? Ask Question

NSInvocation for Dummies? Ask Question

How exactly does NSInvocation work? Is there a good introduction?

I’m specifically having issues understanding how the following code (from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition) works, but then also be able to apply the concepts independently of the tutorial sample. The code:

- (void)insertObject:(Person *)p inEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index
    NSLog(@"adding %@ to %@", p, employees);
    // Add inverse of this operation to undo stack
    NSUndoManager *undo = [self undoManager];
    [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex:index];
    if (![undo isUndoing])
        [undo setActionName:@"Insert Person"];
    // Finally, add person to the array
    [employees insertObject:p atIndex:index];

- (void)removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index
    Person *p = [employees objectAtIndex:index];
    NSLog(@"removing %@ from %@", p, employees);
    // Add inverse of this operation to undo stack
    NSUndoManager *undo = [self undoManager];
    [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] insertObject:p
    if (![undo isUndoing])
        [undo setActionName:@"Delete Person"];
    // Finally, remove person from array
    [employees removeObjectAtIndex:index];

I get what it’s trying to do. (BTW, employees is an NSArray of a custom Person class.)

Being a .NET guy, I try to associate unfamiliar Obj-C and Cocoa concepts to roughly analogous .NET concepts. Is this similar to .NET’s delegate concept, but untyped?

This isn’t 100% clear from the book, so I’m looking for something supplemental from real Cocoa/Obj-C experts, again with the goal that I understand the fundamental concept beneath the simple(-ish) example. I'm really looking to be able to independently apply the knowledge -- up until chapter 9, I was having no difficulty doing that. But now ...


According to Apple's NSInvocation class reference:

An NSInvocation is an Objective-C message rendered static, that is, it is an action turned into an object.

And, in a little more detail:

The concept of messages is central to the objective-c philosophy. Any time you call a method, or access a variable of some object, you are sending it a message. NSInvocation comes in handy when you want to send a message to an object at a different point in time, or send the same message several times. NSInvocation allows you to describe the message you are going to send, and then invoke it (actually send it to the target object) later on.

For example, let's say you want to add a string to an array. You would normally send the addObject: message as follows:

[myArray addObject:myString];

Now, let's say you want to use NSInvocation to send this message at some other point in time:

First, you would prepare an NSInvocation object for use with NSMutableArray's addObject: selector:

NSMethodSignature * mySignature = [NSMutableArray
NSInvocation * myInvocation = [NSInvocation

Next, you would specify which object to send the message to:

[myInvocation setTarget:myArray];

Specify the message you wish to send to that object:

[myInvocation setSelector:@selector(addObject:)];

And fill in any arguments for that method:

[myInvocation setArgument:&myString atIndex:2];

Note that object arguments must be passed by pointer. Thank you to Ryan McCuaig for pointing that out, and please see Apple's documentation for more details.

At this point, myInvocation is a complete object, describing a message that can be sent. To actually send the message, you would call:

[myInvocation invoke];

This final step will cause the message to be sent, essentially executing [myArray addObject:myString];.

Think of it like sending an email. You open up a new email (NSInvocation object), fill in the address of the person (object) who you want to send it to, type in a message for the recipient (specify a selector and arguments), and then click "send" (call invoke).

See Using NSInvocation for more information. See Using NSInvocation if the above is not working.

NSUndoManager uses NSInvocation objects so that it can reverseコマンドです。基本的に、ここで行っていることは、NSInvocation「今行った操作を元に戻したい場合は、このメッセージをこれらの引数とともにそのオブジェクトに送信してください」と伝えるオブジェクトを作成することです。オブジェクトNSInvocationを に渡すNSUndoManagerと、そのオブジェクトは元に戻せるアクションの配列に追加されます。ユーザーが「元に戻す」を呼び出すと、NSUndoManagerは配列内の最新のアクションを検索し、保存されているオブジェクトを呼び出してNSInvocation必要なアクションを実行します。

