Global Variables in Dart Ask Question

Global Variables in Dart Ask Question

I try to create a Dart single page application.

I have created a first custom element (custom-application) which contains the whole application. It has a container in it which is used to render views. And a side nav which will contain user informations and be updated when the user is log in.

I want to share informations between views. How can I define a global variable in custom-application and be able to share it with the other views ?

For example, when you start the app, you are not authenticated. When you call /login (login-view) you'll have a login form. I want, when you log in the application, the custom-application element stores the user informations loaded by the nested view login-view and update the side nav.

Is it possible to do it ?


Just create a library file and create fields for globals you need there. Import this library everywhere you need access to these fields.


import 'globals.dart' as globals;

main() {
  globals.isLoggedIn = true;


import 'globals.dart' as globals;

class MyComponent {
  view() {
    if(globals.isLoggedIn) {
    else {


library my_prj.globals;

bool isLoggedIn = false;

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