複数行を引用符で囲む Vim

複数行を引用符で囲む Vim


    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes


    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    "String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes"

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    "String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes"

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    "String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes"

    String that is not supposed to be enclosed in quotes
    "String that is supposed to be enclosed in quotes"




:%s/.*is supposed.*/"&"/


:%s/.*is supposed.*/"&"/c


  • :%sこの代替項目を現在のバッファのすべての行に適用することを意味します。
  • 私たちが一致するパターンは、単語を含むすべての行ですis supposed(他の行に「is Should」という単語が含まれ、「to be return in quote」が続く場合は、いつでもパターンを次のように変更できます)。.*is supposed to be enclosed in quotes.*
  • 一致するパターンを置き換えるために使用する文字列は、一致するパターンを表す"&"位置です。&
