

スクリプトは起動時に root として実行されると仮定します。私はこのスクリプトで始めたいと思いますtcpsvd -E 0 515 lpdtcpsvd権限のないユーザーとして実行したいです。ただし、ポート515にバインドするにはroot権限が必要です。どうやってこれを達成できますか?

また、以下を使用する必要がありますbusybox tcpsvd

tcpsvd [-hEv] [-c N] [-C N[:MSG]] [-b N] [-u USER] [-l NAME] IP PORT PROG

Create TCP socket, bind to IP:PORT and listen for incoming connection.
Run PROG for each connection.

    IP              IP to listen on. '0' = all
    PORT            Port to listen on
    PROG [ARGS]     Program to run
    -l NAME         Local hostname (else looks up local hostname in DNS)
    -u USER[:GRP]   Change to user/group after bind
    -c N            Handle up to N connections simultaneously
    -b N            Allow a backlog of approximately N TCP SYNs
    -C N[:MSG]      Allow only up to N connections from the same IP
                    New connections from this IP address are closed
                    immediately. MSG is written to the peer before close
    -h              Look up peer's hostname
    -E              Do not set up environment variables
    -v              Verbose



 -u user[:group]
          drop permissions.  Switch user ID to user’s UID, and group ID to
          user’s primary GID after creating and binding to the socket.  If
          user  is  followed  by a colon and a group name, the group ID is
          switched to the GID of group instead.  All supplementary  groups
          are removed.
