

ASSP(Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server)をインストールしようとしましたが、起動しようとすると、次のメッセージが表示されます。

$ perl

Perl version 5.012003 (5.12.3) is at least recommended to run ASSP 2.4.3 
(14313) - you are running Perl version 5.010001 - please upgrade Perl

Perl version 5.012000 (5.12.0) is at least required to use the 
unicode Bayesian/HMM engine of ASSP 2.4.3 (14313) - you are running 

Perl version 5.010001 - please upgrade Perl

ASSP 2.4.3(14313) is starting in directory /usr/share/assp
on host
using Perl /usr/bin/perl version 5.010001 (5.10.1)
compiling code please wait ..... checking config in /usr/share/assp/assp.cfg - OK
ASSP uses AsspSelfLoader 2.03 - check                   [OK]
loading configuration                                   [OK]
1085 values loaded                                      [OK]
defining environment                                    [OK]
setting up global ENV                                   [OK]
loading modules.........u?                              [failed] - errors are written to file /usr/share/assp/module LoadErrors.txt
loading database drivers                                [OK]
setup regular expressions                               [OK]
loading plugins                                         [OK]
fixing up config                                        [OK]

starting as daemon                                      [OK]
forked a new silent process                             [OK]


module Authen::SASL could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use Authen::SASL;"
module Mail::SPF::Query could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use Mail::SPF::Query;"
module Regexp::Optimizer could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use Regexp::Optimizer;"
module Text::Unidecode could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use Text::Unidecode;"
module ASSP_WordStem could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use ASSP_WordStem;"
module Sys::CpuAffinity 
module BerkeleyDB could not be loaded (see error below): check with >perl -e "use BerkeleyDB;"
    Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/share/assp/lib /root/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_$
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 74) line 1, <DATA> line 751.




Perl version 5.012003 (5.12.3) is at least recommended to run ASSP 2.4.3 
(14313) - you are running Perl version 5.010001 - please upgrade Perl

Perl version 5.012000 (5.12.0) is at least required to use the 
unicode Bayesian/HMM engine of ASSP 2.4.3 (14313) - you are running 

Perl version 5.010001 - please upgrade Perl

私はこれから始めます。 5.12.3以降がある場合は、この出力にリストされているすべてのモジュールもインストールされていることを確認してください。 CentOSでは通常yum

