

特殊文字({&})の間にパターンマッチングが発生する必要がある場合は、特殊文字間にデータを印刷するにはSed / awkコマンドが必要です。


define service {
host_name                       dns_vips
service_description             Multi Lookup 
use                             standard_service_template
active_checks_enabled           1
passive_checks_enabled          1
notifications_enabled           1
contact_groups                  mailgrp
max_check_attempts              3
normal_check_interval           5
retry_check_interval            1
notification_interval           10
check_period                    24x7
notification_period             24x7
notification_options            w,r,c
define service {
host_name                       dns_vips1
service_description             Multi Lookup 2  
use                             standard_service_template
active_checks_enabled           1
passive_checks_enabled          1
notifications_enabled           1
contact_groups                  mailgrp1
max_check_attempts              3
normal_check_interval           5
retry_check_interval            1
notification_interval           10
check_period                    24x7
notification_period             24x7
notification_options            w,r,c



sed '
    /{/{            #starts next code block if line include «{» 
        :1          #set mark point 
        /}/!{       #execute if pattern (collected lines) do not include «}»
            N       #add next line to the pattern space
            b1      #return to marked point
            }       #end of second (inner) block of code
        }           #end of first block of code 
    /Multi Lookup/p #prints pattern (collected lines) if it has «Multi Lookup»
    d               #clean pattern (start from the beginning)
' file
