私はそれからタイミング情報を抽出するさまざまな方法のいくつかの例を持っていますping -c 10 google.com
# prints output for each line as soon as it is received
# on OS X and Linux.
ping -c 10 google.com | grep -o 'time=\S*'
# prints output for each line as soon as it is received on OS X
# but not on Linux
# (the output of ping is slightly different so it's $8 on Linux to get the time)
ping -c 10 google.com | awk '{ print $7 }'
# waits until all input is received on OS X and Linux
ping -c 10 google.com | awk -F ':' '{ print $2 }'
# prints output for line as soon as it is received on Linux and OS X
ping -c 10 google.com | sed -e 's/^.*time=\(.*\) .*$/\1/'
# waits for the end of input on OS X and Linux
ping -c 10 google.com | grep -o 'time\S*' | sed -e 's/time=//'
# as a quick check, this prints each line of output immediately
# on OS X and Linux
ping -c 10 google.com | sed -e 's/time=//'
ping -c 10 google.com | grep --line-buffered -o 'time\S*' | sed -e 's/time=//'
awkがパイプデータをすぐに出力できるようにするには、-W Interactiveオプションを使用します。
ping -c 10 google.com | awk -W interactive '{ print $7 }'