/etc/termcap Linuxエントリのソース

/etc/termcap Linuxエントリのソース

Description$TERMというタイプがあるのはなぜですか?なぜ、いつ作成され、その意味は何ですか?私たちに滞在してはいけませんか? Linuxコンソールと機能セットの慣例的な名前(例えば、ルートの下のディレクトリの慣例的な名前、誰も気にしない)ですか、それともそれを導入した技術的な理由がありましたか?linux/etc/termcapvt-genericlinuxetchome




ncurses 1.8.6(1994年10月)の端末の説明の説明はlinux次のとおりです。

# Note that the statdard Linux console is now called 'linux' instead
# of 'console'. terminals with sizes other than 80x25 need to append
# their size to linux and add an entry like the one for 132x43 below



    Naming the Console Terminal                                            

    In various systems there has been a practice of designating the system
    console driver type as `console'.  Please do not do this!  It
    complicates peoples' lives, because it can mean that several different
    terminfo entries from different operating systems all logically want to
    be called `console'.

    Please pick a name unique to your console driver and set that up
    in the /etc/inittab table or local equivalent.  Send the entry to the
    terminfo maintainer (listed in the misc/terminfo file) to be included
    in the terminfo file, if it's not already there.  See the
    term(7) manual page included with this distribution for more on
    conventions for choosing type names.

    Here are some recommended primary console names:

            linux   -- Linux console driver
            freebsd -- FreeBSD
            netbsd  -- NetBSD
            bsdos   -- BSD/OS

    If you are responsible for integrating ncurses for one of these
    distributions, please either use the recommended name or get back
    to us explaining why you don't want to, so we can work out nomenclature
    that will make users' lives easier rather than harder.



#   @(#)/etc/termcap    0.0 
#   Informix product aware termcap file
#   Author: Marco Greco, <[email protected]>, Catania, Italy
#   Initial release: Jun 97
#   Current release: Jul 98
#   Absolutely no warranty -- use at your own risk
#   Notes: Adapted from the default Slackware termcap file:
#   added gs, ge, gb, ZG, ZA capabilities, shifted function keys
#   down by one, added ki, kj, kf, kg
#   Limit the size of each entry - 4gl apps core dump if applicable
#   entry too long
#   Entries other than vt's, console & xterm *untested*
# From: [email protected] (Miquel van Smoorenburg)
# Okay guys, here is a shorter termcap that does have most
# capabilities and is ncurses compatible. If it works for you
# I'd like to hear about it.

