


This is a very long sentence that did not
fit on one screen line.


This is a very long sentence that did not
>>> fit on one screen line.

この効果を得るために、以下でvimこれを使用します。set breakindentopt sbr=>>>tmuxにも同様のオプションがありますか?



#!/usr/bin/env bash

cols=$(tput cols)
colsi=$((${cols} + 1))
wrap='>>> '

$@ | while IFS='' read -r line; do
    while [ ${#line} -gt ${#wrap} ]; do
        echo "${line}" | cut -c-"${cols}"
        line="${wrap}"$(echo "${line}" | cut -c"${colsi}"-)


$ x='This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.'

$ echo "$x"
> This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since
> I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.

$ wrapper echo "$x"
> This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since
> >>> I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.

echo "$x"との間の出力の違いに注意してくださいwrapper echo "$x"
