

今日、面接官がこんな質問をしました。次の内容を含む「Myfile.txt」というファイルがあるとします。 (必ず一行にする必要はありません)

1 3 4
4 1 5
1 9 8
3 2 1
6 0 0
3 4 5
7 8 9

そのファイルに何回表示されるかを知らせるスクリプトを書いてみたいです。 0から9までの数字が含まれていることがわかります。ご覧のとおり、このファイルでは「1」が4回繰り返され、出力には「このファイルで番号1が4回使用されました」というメッセージが表示されます。



$ tr ' ' '\n' < file| sort | uniq -c
  2 0
  4 1
  1 2
  3 3
  3 4
  2 5
  1 6
  1 7
  2 8
  2 9


$ tr ' ' '\n' < file| sort | uniq -c | while read cnt num; do printf 'The number %s appears %s times in the file\n' "$num" "$cnt"; done
The number 0 appears 2 times in the file
The number 1 appears 4 times in the file
The number 2 appears 1 times in the file
The number 3 appears 3 times in the file
The number 4 appears 3 times in the file
The number 5 appears 2 times in the file
The number 6 appears 1 times in the file
The number 7 appears 1 times in the file
The number 8 appears 2 times in the file
The number 9 appears 2 times in the file


$ tr ' ' '\n' < file| sort | uniq -c | awk '{print "The number "$2" appears "$1" times in the file"}'
The number 0 appears 2 times in the file
The number 1 appears 4 times in the file
The number 2 appears 1 times in the file
The number 3 appears 3 times in the file
The number 4 appears 3 times in the file
The number 5 appears 2 times in the file
The number 6 appears 1 times in the file
The number 7 appears 1 times in the file
The number 8 appears 2 times in the file
The number 9 appears 2 times in the file
