




    # the strict package forces you to declare each variable you use beforehand
    use strict;

    # a variable in strict mode is declared using my
    # the $ symbol means it is a single-valued variable
    # the @ symbol means it is an array
    # each declaration/instruction is closed with a ; sign 

    my @par_list = (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1);
    #bor is my boron concentration list
    my @bor_list = (0,800,1600,2500,3500);
    # creating a variable for the current value of the parameter
    my $value;
    my $value_2;
    # get and store the size of the array
    my $nbr_of_values = $#par_list;
    my $nbr_of_values_2 = $#bor_list;
    # now, we read in a variable that will be the filename of the template input file
    # $ARGV are the input arguments, 0 means it is the first one (perl starts counting at 0, not 1)
    my $file_in = $ARGV[0];

    # start of the loop
    for( my $i=0; $i<= $nbr_of_values; $i++){
        #create another loop for boron values and assign a letter j to it
        for ( my $j=0; $j<= $nbr_of_values_2; $j++){
        $value_2 = $bor_list[$j];
            $value = $par_list[$i];
            print "This is the current parameter value: $value \n";

            # now we create a new string variable that will later be the filename of the new input deck
            # the . symbol is the concatenation operator between strings
            my $new_output_filename = $file_in."file_in_".$value."_".$value_2.".out";
            print " The new filename is $new_output_filename \n";
            my $result_filename = $file_in."_".".csv";

            # open the template file and store its filehandle (fh_in)
            open my $fh_out,  '<', $new_output_filename or die "Can't open output $new_output_filename !";
            # open the new file (it currently does not exist and is thus empty) and store its filehandle (fh_out)
            open my $fh_res, '>', $result_filename or die "Can't open output $result_filename !";

            while (<$fh_out>) {
            # this is for you to see on the console, we read line-by-line, while there is something
            # the line read is stored in a special PERL variable $_
            # now we actually print that line into the new file
            # BUT BEFORE THAT, we change the dummy characters for the real value
            # we use a regular expression (read the tutorials for more details_
            # s = substitute
                if ((/ COO /)&& (/                     INPUT/)) {
                print "found burnup $_ ";
                my @array = split(/\s+/,$_);
                #print "the bu value is $array[3] \n";
                print $fh_res "$array[2] ,";
                if ((/   K-INF /) && (/M2 =/)) {
                print "found kinf $_ ";

                #print "the bu value is $array[3] \n";
                print $fh_res "$array[7] ,";

            close $fh_out; 
            close $fh_res;


    print " I am done with this !!! \n";
    exit 111;


$fh_res内部ループ内で書き込みモードで開くと、特定の問題(出力ファイルに最後の値のみが表示されます)が発生したようです。ファイルを開くには、読み取り('<')、書き込み('>')、および追加()の3つの基本モードがあります'>>'。 「書き込み」と「追加」の違いは、前者を使用すると既存のコンテンツがすべて削除され、「追加」を使用するとそのコンテンツが保持されることです。


