


user@host:~$ cat snp_data

snp_id    chromosome  position
Chr01__912 1 912 1
Chr01__944 1 944 1
Chr01__1107 1 1107 1
Chr01__1118 1 1118 1
Chr01__1146 1 1146 1
Chr01__1160 1 1160 1
Chr17__214708367 17 214708367
Chr17__214708424 17 214708424
Chr17__214708451 17 214708451
Chr17__214708484 17 214708484
Chr17__214708508 17 214708508



user@host:~$ cat window

seqname chromosome start end width
1 Chr1 1 15000 15000
2 Chr1 15001 30000 15000 
3 Chr1 30001 45000 15000
4 Chr1 45001 60000 15000 
5 Chr1 60001 75000 15000 
6 Chr1 75001 90000 15000 
199954 Chr17 214620001 214635000 15000
199955 Chr17 214635001 214650000 15000
199956 Chr17 214650001 214665000 15000
199957 Chr17 214665001 214680000 15000
199958 Chr17 214680001 214695000 15000
199959 Chr17 214695001 214708580 13580

windowファイルとファイルとの対応は、snp_dataファイルのフィールド値とファイルとフィールドの値によって決まります。たとえば、in値を持つ行はfor値を持つ行に対応します。で、その行の前には a が付きます。chromosomewindowchromosomesnp_idsnp_data"Chr1"windowsnp_data1chromosomesnp_idChr01__



user@host:~$ cat desired_output

snp_id  chromosome  position   window
Chr01__912  1   912      1
Chr01__944  1   944      1
Chr01__1107 1   1107     1
Chr17__214708367 17 214708367   199959
Chr17__214708424 17 214708424   199959
Chr17__214708451 17 214708451   199959
Chr17__214708484 17 214708484   199959
Chr17__214708508 17 214708508   199959




#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: ascii -*-

import sys

# Read data from the SNP file into a list
snp_list = []
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as snp_file:
    for line in snp_file:
        snp_row = line.split() 

# Read data from the "window" file into a dictionary of lists
win_dict = {} 
with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as win_file:
    for line in win_file:
        seqnames, chromosome, start, end, width = win_row = line.split()
        if chromosome not in win_dict:
            win_dict[chromosome] = []

# Compare data and compute results
results = []

# Iterate over snp data rows
for snp_row in snp_list:

    # Extract the field values for each snp row
    snp_id, chromosome, position = snp_row

    # Convert the chromosome to match the format in the "window" file
    # i.e. `1` -> `Chr1`
    chromosome_name = "Chr{}".format(chromosome)

    # Iterate over the "window" rows corresponding to that chromosome
    for win_row in win_dict.get(chromosome_name, []):

        # Extract the field values for each "window" row
        seqnames, chromosome, start, end, width = win_row

        # Perform the desired comparison
        if int(start) <= int(position) <= int(end):

            # If the comparison returns true, construct the result row
            result = [snp_id, chromosome, position, seqnames]

# Print the output column headers
columns = ["snp_id", "chromosome", "position", "window"]
print(" ".join(columns))

# Print the results
for row in results:
    print(' '.join(row))


python intersect_snp.py snp_data window


python intersect_snp.py <(tail -n+2 snp_data) <(tail -n+2 window)


snp_id              chromosome  position
Chr01__912          1           912
Chr01__944          1           944
Chr01__1107         1           1107
Chr17__214708367    17          214708367
Chr17__214708424    17          214708424
Chr17__214708451    17          214708451
Chr17__214708484    17          214708484
Chr17__214708508    17          214708508


seqnames    chromosome  start       end         width
1           Chr1        1           15000       15000
2           Chr1        15001       30000       15000
3           Chr1        30001       45000       15000
4           Chr1        45001       60000       15000
5           Chr1        60001       75000       15000
199954      Chr17       214620001   214635000   15000
199955      Chr17       214635001   214650000   15000
199956      Chr17       214650001   214665000   15000
199957      Chr17       214665001   214680000   15000
199958      Chr17       214680001   214695000   15000
199959      Chr17       214695001   214708580   13580


python intersect_snp.py <(tail -n+2 snp_data) <(tail -n+2 window)


snp_id chromosome position window
Chr01__912 Chr1 912 1
Chr01__944 Chr1 944 1
Chr01__1107 Chr1 1107 1
Chr17__214708367 Chr17 214708367 199959
Chr17__214708424 Chr17 214708424 199959
Chr17__214708451 Chr17 214708451 199959
Chr17__214708484 Chr17 214708484 199959
Chr17__214708508 Chr17 214708508 199959
