


Nov  8 12:18:24 sn setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing httpd from create access on the file temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx. For complete SELinux messages run: sealert -l 335e7781-6a68-4ca6-827f-073f93829f2d
Nov  8 12:18:24 sn python: SELinux is preventing httpd from create access on the file temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx.#012#012*****  Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests   **************************#012#012If you believe that httpd should be allowed create access on the temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx file by default.#012Then you should report this as a bug.#012You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.#012Do#012allow this access for now by executing:#012# ausearch -c 'httpd' --raw | audit2allow -M my-httpd#012# semodule -i my-httpd.pp#012

フォーマットは醜いですが、実行してみてくださいsealert -l 335e7781-6a68-4ca6-827f-073f93829f2d

SELinux is preventing httpd from create access on the file temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx.

*****  Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests   **************************

If you believe that httpd should be allowed create access on the temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx file by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:
# ausearch -c 'httpd' --raw | audit2allow -M my-httpd
# semodule -i my-httpd.pp

Additional Information:
Source Context                system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
Target Context                system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0
Target Objects                temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx [ file ]
Source                        httpd
Source Path                   httpd
Port                          <Unknown>
Host                          localhost.localdomain
Source RPM Packages           httpd-2.4.6-80.el7.centos.1.x86_64
Target RPM Packages
Policy RPM                    selinux-policy-3.13.1-192.el7_5.6.noarch
Selinux Enabled               True
Policy Type                   targeted
Enforcing Mode                Enforcing
Host Name           
Platform                      Linux 3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1
                              SMP Tue Aug 14 21:49:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64
Alert Count                   2
First Seen                    2018-11-08 12:16:06 +0330
Last Seen                     2018-11-08 12:18:19 +0330
Local ID                      335e7781-6a68-4ca6-827f-073f93829f2d

Raw Audit Messages
type=AVC msg=audit(1541666899.294:27636): avc:  denied  { create } for  pid=25734 comm="httpd" name="temp_5be3f85348052_5be3f85347985.docx" scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 tclass=file

type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1541666899.294:27636): arch=x86_64 syscall=open success=no exit=EACCES a0=7ffc8a052400 a1=241 a2=1b6 a3=2823ea08d07abe97 items=0 ppid=13555 pid=25734 auid=4294967295 uid=48 gid=48 euid=48 suid=48 fsuid=48 egid=48 sgid=48 fsgid=48 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=httpd exe=/usr/sbin/httpd subj=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 key=(null)

Hash: httpd,httpd_t,user_home_t,file,create


# ausearch -c 'httpd' --raw | audit2allow -M my-httpd
******************** IMPORTANT ***********************
To make this policy package active, execute:

semodule -i my-httpd.pp

# semodule -i my-httpd.pp




# semanage boolean -l | grep httpd
httpd_can_network_relay        (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can network relay
httpd_can_connect_mythtv       (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can connect mythtv
httpd_can_network_connect_db   (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can network connect db
httpd_use_gpg                  (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use gpg
httpd_dbus_sssd                (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to dbus sssd
httpd_enable_cgi               (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to enable cgi
httpd_verify_dns               (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to verify dns
httpd_dontaudit_search_dirs    (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to dontaudit search dirs
httpd_use_cifs                 (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use cifs
httpd_manage_ipa               (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to manage ipa
httpd_run_stickshift           (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to run stickshift
httpd_enable_homedirs          (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to enable homedirs
httpd_dbus_avahi               (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to dbus avahi
httpd_unified                  (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to unified
httpd_mod_auth_pam             (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to mod auth pam
httpd_can_network_connect      (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to can network connect
httpd_execmem                  (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to execmem
httpd_use_fusefs               (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use fusefs
httpd_mod_auth_ntlm_winbind    (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to mod auth ntlm winbind
httpd_use_sasl                 (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use sasl
httpd_tty_comm                 (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to tty comm
httpd_sys_script_anon_write    (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to sys script anon write
httpd_graceful_shutdown        (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to graceful shutdown
httpd_can_connect_ftp          (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to can connect ftp
httpd_run_ipa                  (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to run ipa
httpd_read_user_content        (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to read user content
httpd_use_nfs                  (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use nfs
httpd_can_connect_zabbix       (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can connect zabbix
httpd_tmp_exec                 (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to tmp exec
httpd_run_preupgrade           (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to run preupgrade
httpd_can_sendmail             (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to can sendmail
httpd_builtin_scripting        (on   ,   on)  Allow httpd to builtin scripting
httpd_can_connect_ldap         (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can connect ldap
httpd_can_check_spam           (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can check spam
httpd_can_network_memcache     (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can network memcache
httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to can network connect cobbler
httpd_anon_write               (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to anon write
httpd_serve_cobbler_files      (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to serve cobbler files
httpd_ssi_exec                 (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to ssi exec
httpd_use_openstack            (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to use openstack
httpd_enable_ftp_server        (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to enable ftp server
httpd_setrlimit                (off  ,  off)  Allow httpd to setrlimit


# cat /home/snadmin/my-httpd.te

module my-httpd 1.0;

require {
        type httpd_t;
        type user_home_t;
        class dir { add_name create write };
        class file { create write };

#============= httpd_t ==============

#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy
allow httpd_t user_home_t:dir { add_name create write };
allow httpd_t user_home_t:file create;

#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy
allow httpd_t user_home_t:file write;


問題は、httpデーモンがuser content context()というラベルの付いたディレクトリにファイルを作成しようとしていることですuser_home_t。ファイルコンテキストが正しいことを確認してください。ユーザーのホームディレクトリからhttpdディレクトリにディレクトリを移動する場合は、移動したファイルに正しいコンテキストを手動で適用する必要がありますrestorecon

httpdがユーザーのホームディレクトリにあるファイルに書き込むことを許可するには、サブディレクトリを使用してhttpd_user_rw_content_t(requires httpd_builtin_scripting)やpublic_content_rw_t(requires allow_httpd_anon_writeboolean)などの適切なラベルを表示する必要があります。

