

私は2つのデスクトップマネージャXfceとGnomeを持っていますapt purge --autoremove kali-desktop-gnome。しかし、コマンドを実行すると、dpkg -l | grep gnomeGnomeに関連する多くのパッケージが出力されます。どのように削除/削除しますか?役に立たないパッケージですか?各パッケージを手動で削除/削除する必要がありますか?それとも別のコマンドがありますか?

出力dpkg -l | grep gnome

ii  chrome-gnome-shell                       10.1-5                          all          GNOME Shell extensions integration for web browsers
ii  gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0:amd64          3.34.3-2                        amd64        Introspection data for GnomeBluetooth
ii  gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0:amd64            3.38.3-1                        amd64        Introspection data for GnomeDesktop
ii  gkbd-capplet                             3.26.1-1                        amd64        GNOME control center tools for libgnomekbd
ii  gnome-accessibility-themes               3.28-1                          all          High Contrast GTK+ 2 theme and icons
ii  gnome-backgrounds                        3.38.0-1                        all          Set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-bluetooth                          3.34.3-2                        amd64        GNOME Bluetooth tools
ii  gnome-brave-icon-theme                   5.5.1-2.1                       all          blue variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
ii  gnome-calculator                         3.38.2-1                        amd64        GNOME desktop calculator
ii  gnome-characters                         3.34.0-1                        amd64        character map application
ii  gnome-colors-common                      5.5.1-2.1                       all          common icons for all GNOME-Colors icon themes
ii  gnome-contacts                           3.38.1-1+b1                     amd64        Contacts manager for GNOME
ii  gnome-control-center                     1:3.38.3-1                      amd64        utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-control-center-data                1:3.38.3-1                      all          configuration applets for GNOME - data files
ii  gnome-desktop3-data                      3.38.3-1                        all          Common files for GNOME desktop apps
ii  gnome-disk-utility                       3.38.1-1                        amd64        manage and configure disk drives and media
ii  gnome-font-viewer                        3.34.0-2+b1                     amd64        font viewer for GNOME
ii  gnome-icon-theme                         3.12.0-3                        all          GNOME Desktop icon theme
ii  gnome-keyring                            3.36.0-1                        amd64        GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
ii  gnome-keyring-pkcs11:amd64               3.36.0-1                        amd64        GNOME keyring module for the PKCS#11 module loading library
ii  gnome-logs                               3.36.0-2                        amd64        viewer for the systemd journal
ii  gnome-menus                              3.36.0-1                        amd64        GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
ii  gnome-online-accounts                    3.38.0-3                        amd64        service to manage online accounts for the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-online-miners                      3.34.0-2                        amd64        Crawls through your online content
ii  gnome-orca                               3.38.2-1                        all          Scriptable screen reader - transitional package
ii  gnome-session                            3.38.0-3                        all          GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session
ii  gnome-session-bin                        3.38.0-3                        amd64        GNOME Session Manager - Minimal runtime
ii  gnome-session-canberra                   0.30-7                          amd64        GNOME session log in and log out sound events
ii  gnome-session-common                     3.38.0-3                        all          GNOME Session Manager - common files
ii  gnome-settings-daemon                    3.38.1-3                        amd64        daemon handling the GNOME session settings
ii  gnome-settings-daemon-common             3.38.1-3                        all          daemon handling the GNOME session settings - common files
ii  gnome-shell                              3.38.3-2                        amd64        graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-shell-common                       3.38.3-2                        all          common files for the GNOME graphical shell
ii  gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock         69-1                            all          dash-to-dock extension for GNOME shell
ii  gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons      20.04.0+git20200908-5           all          desktop icon support for GNOME Shell
ii  gnome-shell-extension-prefs              3.38.3-2                        amd64        tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions
ii  gnome-shell-extension-proxyswitcher      1.2-0kali9                      all          menu for the GNOME Shell to switch the proxy mode
ii  gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock 54-0kali1                       all          additional options for GNOME workspace switcher
ii  gnome-shell-extensions                   3.38.2-1kali1                   all          Extensions to extend functionality of GNOME Shell
ii  gnome-software                           3.38.0-3                        amd64        Software Center for GNOME
ii  gnome-software-common                    3.38.0-3                        all          Software Center for GNOME (common files)
ii  gnome-sushi                              3.38.0-1                        amd64        sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus
ii  gnome-system-monitor                     3.38.0-1                        amd64        Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME
ii  gnome-terminal                           3.38.2-1kali1                   amd64        GNOME terminal emulator application
ii  gnome-terminal-data                      3.38.2-1kali1                   all          Data files for the GNOME terminal emulator
ii  gnome-theme-kali                         2021.1.3                        all          Transitional package to install kali-themes
ii  gnome-themes-extra:amd64                 3.28-1                          amd64        Adwaita GTK+ 2 theme — engine
ii  gnome-themes-extra-data                  3.28-1                          all          Adwaita GTK+ 2 theme — common files
ii  gnome-tweak-tool                         3.34.0-4                        all          adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package
ii  gnome-tweaks                             3.34.0-4                        all          tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME
ii  gnome-user-docs                          3.38.2-1                        all          GNOME user docs
ii  gnome-user-share                         3.34.0-2                        amd64        User level public file sharing via WebDAV
ii  libgnome-autoar-0-0:amd64                0.2.4-2                         amd64        Archives integration support for GNOME
ii  libgnome-bluetooth13:amd64               3.34.3-2                        amd64        GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library
ii  libgnome-desktop-3-19:amd64              3.38.3-1                        amd64        Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files
ii  libgnome-menu-3-0:amd64                  3.36.0-1                        amd64        GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
ii  libgnomekbd-common                       3.26.1-1                        all          GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - common files
ii  libgnomekbd8:amd64                       3.26.1-1                        amd64        GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared library
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring:amd64               3.36.0-1                        amd64        PAM module to unlock the GNOME keyring upon login
ii  libsoup-gnome2.4-1:amd64                 2.72.0-2                        amd64        HTTP l
ii  nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal        3.38.2-1kali1                   amd64        GNOME 
ii  network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome        1.2.8-2+b2                      amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-gnome                    1.20.0-1                        amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-l2tp-gnome               1.2.18-1+b2                     amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-openconnect-gnome        1.2.6-1                         amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-openvpn-gnome            1.8.12-2                        amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-pptp-gnome               1.2.8-3+b2                      amd64        networ
ii  network-manager-vpnc-gnome               1.2.6-3                         amd64        networ
ii  pinentry-gnome3                          1.1.0-4                         amd64        GNOME 
ii  policykit-1-gnome                        0.105-7                         amd64        authen

その後、私もコマンドを再実行しましたdpkg -l | grep gnome。ただし、gnomeがインストールされていないことを返し、Gnomeに関連するすべてのパッケージを完全に削除/削除する方法を返します。

出力sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove kali-desktop-gnome

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Package 'kali-desktop-gnome' is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 712 not upgraded.

