




Enter the pattern to search for: Bond

File contents:

1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.

2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.

3) He had to be stopped.

4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of

5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!

6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top

7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the

8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--

9) as fail it must.

There is a match on line 1

There is a match on line 8

'Bond' appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt.



    printf("Enter filename : ")
    getline file < "-"
    while((getline < file)) {
        {print "File Contents:"}
        {printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0)}



$ awk '/Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " NR} END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt
There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt


awk はすべての入力ラインを暗黙的に繰り返します。

  • /Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " NR}

    regex と一致する行の場合、Bondカウンタがc増加し、一致が発生した行を示すメッセージが表示されます。 awkでこれまで読んだ行数はですNR

  • END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}




awk '

    print "There is a match on line " NR

    print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME
' bond.txt


このメソッドはファイルを2回読み込みます。最初は、行番号でフォーマットされたファイルバージョンを印刷します。 2番目の印刷サマリー出力:

$ awk 'FNR==NR{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0);next} /Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " FNR} END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt{,}
    1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.
    2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.
    3) He had to be stopped.
    4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of
    5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!
    6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top
    7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the
    8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--
    9) as fail it must.
There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt

上記と最初のバージョンには2つの違いがあります。まずbond.txt bond.txt、bashを使用してコマンドラインにファイルを2回提供するか、支柱の拡張bond.txt{,}.


FNR==NR{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0);next}

FNR==NRこのコマンドは、NR がこれまでに読み込んだラインの総数で、FNR が現在のファイルから読み込んだラインの数である場合にのみ実行されます。それで、当時FNR==NR私たちは初めてファイルを読んでいました。その後、printf出力形式を指定し、nextスクリプトの残りのコマンドをスキップしてその行に移動します。



$ awk '{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0)} /Bond/{c++; s=s ORS "There is a match on line " FNR} END{print s; print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt
    1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.
    2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.
    3) He had to be stopped.
    4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of
    5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!
    6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top
    7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the
    8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--
    9) as fail it must.

There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt
