


通常、ユーザー制限は limits.conf にありますが、ドキュメントには「すべての制限設定はログインごとに設定されます。グローバルまたは永続的ではなく、セッション期間中のみ存在します」と記載されています。




残念ながら、この問題は通常、エラーメッセージをうまく残さないGUIプログラム(ChromeとFirefox)に影響します。 Chromeタブに空白があるか、まったく役に立たない「あっ、こんな!」エラーが表示され始めます。 Firefoxは起動を拒否します。私が受け取った唯一の部分的に便利なエラーメッセージは、bashでFirefoxを起動しようとしたときに発生しました。

[pascal@firefox ~]$ firefox --display=:0 --safe-mode
Assertion failure: ((bool)(__builtin_expect(!!(!NS_FAILED_impl(rv)), 1))) && thread (Should successfully create image decoding threads), at /builddir/build/BUILD/firefox-45.2.0/firefox-45.2.0esr/image/DecodePool.cpp:359
#01: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x10f2165]
#02: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa2dd2c]
#03: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa2ee29]
#04: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa2f4c1]
#05: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa3095d]
#06: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa52d44]
#07: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0xa4c051]
#08: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1096257]
#09: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1096342]
#10: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1dba68f]
#11: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1dba805]
#12: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1dba8b9]
#13: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1e3e6be]
#14: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1e48d1f]
#15: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x1e48ddd]
#16: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x20bf7bc]
#17: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x20bfae6]
#18: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x20bfe5b]
#19: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x21087cd]
#20: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x2108cd2]
#21: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x210aef4]
#22: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x22578b1]
#23: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x228ba43]
#24: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x228be1d]
#25: XRE_main[/usr/lib64/firefox/libxul.so +0x228c073]
#26: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox +0x4c1d]
#27: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox +0x436d]
#28: __libc_start_main[/lib64/libc.so.6 +0x21b15]
#29: ???[/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox +0x449d]
#30: ??? (???:???)
Segmentation fault
[pascal@firefox ~]$ firefox --display=:0 --safe-mode -g
1465632860286DeferredSave.extensions.jsonWARNWrite failed: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860287addons.xpi-utilsWARNFailed to save XPI database: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860288addons.xpi-utilsWARNFailed to save XPI database: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860289addons.xpi-utilsWARNFailed to save XPI database: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860289addons.xpi-utilsWARNFailed to save XPI database: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860290addons.xpi-utilsWARNFailed to save XPI database: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860358DeferredSave.addons.jsonWARNWrite failed: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
1465632860359addons.repositoryERRORSaveDBToDisk failed: Error: Could not create new thread! (resource://gre/modules/PromiseWorker.jsm:173:18) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:173:18 < [email protected]:292:9 < [email protected]:315:40 < [email protected]:933:23 < [email protected]:812:7 < this.PromiseWalker.scheduleWalkerLoop/<@Promise-backend.js:746:1 < [email protected]:770:1 < [email protected]:284:9
Segmentation fault
[pascal@firefox ~]$
[pascal@localhost ~]$ ulimit -aH
core file size          (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 579483
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 65536
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) unlimited
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 579483
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited
[pascal@localhost ~]$ ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 579483
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 32768
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 4096
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited
[pascal@localhost ~]$ set /proc/*/task/*/cwd/.; echo $#
[pascal@localhost ~]$ prlimit
RESOURCE   DESCRIPTION                             SOFT      HARD UNITS
AS         address space limit                unlimited unlimited bytes
CORE       max core file size                         0 unlimited blocks
CPU        CPU time                           unlimited unlimited seconds
DATA       max data size                      unlimited unlimited bytes
FSIZE      max file size                      unlimited unlimited blocks
LOCKS      max number of file locks held      unlimited unlimited
MEMLOCK    max locked-in-memory address space     65536     65536 bytes
MSGQUEUE   max bytes in POSIX mqueues            819200    819200 bytes
NICE       max nice prio allowed to raise             0         0
NOFILE     max number of open files               32768     65536
NPROC      max number of processes                 4096    579483
RSS        max resident set size              unlimited unlimited pages
RTPRIO     max real-time priority                     0         0
RTTIME     timeout for real-time tasks        unlimited unlimited microsecs
SIGPENDING max number of pending signals         579483    579483
STACK      max stack size                       8388608 unlimited bytes


GUIの問題ではありません。今日ユーザーを訴えようとしましたが、役に立たなかった。まったく問題ありません。 ls、viを実行し、新しいユーザーを作成し、そのユーザーに対してsuを実行すると、そのユーザーに対してすべてがうまく機能します。終了して問題のあるユーザーに対してsuを試みますが、成功しません。 Bashは最初にロードされますが、終了しても機能しません。ルートに戻るには再接続する必要があります。

[root@firefox ~]# su - pascal
Last login: Sat Jun 11 03:08:47 CDT 2016 on pts/1
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
-bash-4.2$ ls
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
-bash-4.2$ exit
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: retry: No child processes
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
[root@firefox ~]# ls -l /
total 126
lrwxrwxrwx.    1 root root   7 Jan 28 23:53 bin -> usr/bin
---- snip ----
drwxr-xr-x.   19 root root  23 May 27 18:03 var
[root@firefox ~]# vi /etc/rc.local
[root@firefox ~]# useradd test
[root@firefox ~]# su - test
[test@firefox ~]$ cd
[test@firefox ~]$ ls -l
total 0
[test@firefox ~]$ ls -l /
total 126
lrwxrwxrwx.    1 root root   7 Jan 28 23:53 bin -> usr/bin
---- snip ----
drwxr-xr-x.   19 root root  23 May 27 18:03 var
[test@firefox ~]$ vi /etc/rc.local
[test@firefox ~]$ exit
[root@firefox ~]# su - pascal
Last login: Mon Jun 13 22:12:12 CDT 2016 on pts/1
su: failed to execute /bin/bash: Resource temporarily unavailable
[root@firefox ~]#



[root@localhost ~]# ps -eLf | grep pascal | wc -l
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf
# Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent
# accidental fork bombs.
# See rhbz #432903 for reasoning.

*          soft    nproc     4096
root       soft    nproc     unlimited
[root@localhost ~]#


   Also, please note that all limit settings are set per login. They are
   not global, nor are they permanent; existing only for the duration of
   the session. One exception is the maxlogin option, this one is system
   wide. But there is a race, concurrent logins at the same time will not
   always be detected as such but only counted as one.

nprocはログインするたびに強制されますが、グローバルに計算されるようです。したがって、ログインしたnproc 8192および5000スレッドを使用することは問題ではありませんが、同じUIDに対して同時にログインしたnproc 4096および50スレッドを使用すると、グローバル数(5050)がnproc設定より高いため、より多くのスレッドを作成できません。 。 。

[root@localhost ~]# ps -eLf | grep pascal | grep google/chrome | wc -l
