


  • 私は次のようなものが欲しい:
    $ ls-alt --show-descriptions /
    /etc – Configuration Files
    /opt – Optional Software
    /bin - Binaries
    /sbin – System Binaries
    /tmp – Temporary Files
  • さらに一歩進んで、詳細な説明オプションを提供することもできます。
    $ ls-alt --show-descriptions-verbose /
    /etc – The /etc directory contains the core configuration files of the system, use primarily by the administrator and services, such as the password file and networking files.
    /opt – Traditionally, the /opt directory is used for installing/storing the files of third-party applications that are not available from the distribution’s repository.
    /bin - The ‘/bin’ directly contains the executable files of many basic shell commands like ls, cp, cd etc. Mostly the programs are in binary format here and accessible by all the users in the Linux system.
    /sbin – This is similar to the /bin directory. The only difference is that is contains the binaries that can only be run by root or a sudo user. You can think of the ‘s’ in ‘sbin’ as super or sudo.
    /tmp – This directory holds temporary files. Many applications use this directory to store temporary files. /tmp directories are deleted when your system restarts.



tree --infoやりたいことをします。


  • 特定のファイルとフォルダ
  • またはファイルとフォルダのグループ(ワイルドカード文字を使用)

tree --infoこれはディレクトリリストに表示されます。



