How can I change the company name in the copyright template in Xcode 4? Ask Question

How can I change the company name in the copyright template in Xcode 4? Ask Question

Does anyone know how to change copyright in the templates for Xcode? That is, at the top of a new file it writes:

//  Copyright 2011 {Company Name}. All rights reserved.

In previous Xcode versions you could change it by running the following command in the terminal:

defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{"ORGANIZATIONNAME" = “{Company Name}";}’

In Xcode 4.0 this method no longer works.


Xcode 4 (and above) stores this on a per-project basis.

If you select the project in the Project Navigator (Cmd-1) and open the File Inspector (Cmd-Opt-1), you'll see a field for "Organization" under "Project Document".
